Our Lives on the Altar
Athletes are quite familiar with the concept of sacrifice. Some things are given up in order to gain other things. An altar was designed and intended to be a place where believers came to meet God. Normally a sacrifice was offered for either forgiveness of sins or as a thanksgiving to God for His blessings or protection. In any case, the altar was a place where one gave a sacrifice to God—something that was costly, valuable, and meaningful to both the giver and the receiver. Noah built an altar and offered a sacrifice when he and his family were safely out of the ark (Gen 8:20). Abraham was asked to place his firstborn son, Isaac, on the altar to test his loyalty to God and see if he was worthy to be the father of a nation (Gen 22:2).
Worshipping God is costly, and a sacrifice is not a sacrifice if it is not valuable. When John the Baptist saw Jesus coming towards him, he declared, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). This was a prophecy reflecting what Isaiah prophesied generations earlier, “He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth” (Isa. 53:7).
Even God sacrificed something costly and dear to Himself—His one and only Son. The difference was that Christ did not die on an altar but on a cross. Romans 12:1 says, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.” Today, it is not some thing we put on
the altar, but someone—ourselves.
Prayer: When you pray today, picture a cross before you with your name inscribed at the top. Will you commit your life to God’s service today?
City Venues
M Gold Medal Ice Hockey
Whistler Venues
M Cross-Country Skiing
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
PrayBC - Olympic Prayer Guide - Day 16
Being Salt
Salt is one of the most used minerals in every culture around the world. It is used because of the impact it has on what it touches. It may be used to dry and preserve meat in areas where there is no refrigeration. It may be used to flavor food to be more palatable. It may be used to clear ice from roads or used in chemical processes. But whatever the use, it causes a change in whatever it is put on, put in, or put around!
It was no wonder Christ used salt to describe the impact He wanted His followers to have on people around them. Salt is very versatile and has many uses and many different kinds of reactions, just like God’s people. We are gifted by God’s Spirit differently to have many different uses and impact people in many different ways. But there is always a change in whatever salt is put on, or in, or around. What believers need to ask
themselves is this: “What impact is my life having on those around me? What difference do I make in people’s lives when I am with them?”
If you are not having much of an impact, it is not because you have not been equipped properly by God’s Spirit, it is because you are not functioning in the way He intended for you to function. When salt is used as it is intended, it can have tremendous benefits. But when it is used improperly, it can cause pain, damage, destruction, and deterioration. When believers are not functioning as God intended them to function in His kingdom, they also can cause great damage, pain, and destruction.
A little salt adds needed flavor, but too much salt will make the food inedible.
Prayer: Pray and ask God to show you if your life is having a positive impact on others or causing a negative impact. Then ask God to help you function in the way He created you to function in His kingdom.
City Venues
M Bronze & Gold Medal Curling
Exhibition Gala Figure Skating
M Snowboard
M Bronze Medal Hockey
Whistler Venues
M Slalom Alpine Skiing
W Cross-Country Skiing
M Bobsleigh
Salt is one of the most used minerals in every culture around the world. It is used because of the impact it has on what it touches. It may be used to dry and preserve meat in areas where there is no refrigeration. It may be used to flavor food to be more palatable. It may be used to clear ice from roads or used in chemical processes. But whatever the use, it causes a change in whatever it is put on, put in, or put around!
It was no wonder Christ used salt to describe the impact He wanted His followers to have on people around them. Salt is very versatile and has many uses and many different kinds of reactions, just like God’s people. We are gifted by God’s Spirit differently to have many different uses and impact people in many different ways. But there is always a change in whatever salt is put on, or in, or around. What believers need to ask
themselves is this: “What impact is my life having on those around me? What difference do I make in people’s lives when I am with them?”
If you are not having much of an impact, it is not because you have not been equipped properly by God’s Spirit, it is because you are not functioning in the way He intended for you to function. When salt is used as it is intended, it can have tremendous benefits. But when it is used improperly, it can cause pain, damage, destruction, and deterioration. When believers are not functioning as God intended them to function in His kingdom, they also can cause great damage, pain, and destruction.
A little salt adds needed flavor, but too much salt will make the food inedible.
Prayer: Pray and ask God to show you if your life is having a positive impact on others or causing a negative impact. Then ask God to help you function in the way He created you to function in His kingdom.
City Venues
M Bronze & Gold Medal Curling
Exhibition Gala Figure Skating
M Snowboard
M Bronze Medal Hockey
Whistler Venues
M Slalom Alpine Skiing
W Cross-Country Skiing
M Bobsleigh
Friday, February 26, 2010
PrayBC - Olympic Prayer Guide - Day 15
Our Calling
Did you know that you have been called by God? You may not have been called to be a missionary or a pastor or called to public ministry, but you are called. The Apostle Paul referred to believers as the “called-out ones of Jesus Christ” (Rom. 1:6) and told the believers in Rome that they are “called to be saints” (Rom. 1:7). Paul also reminds us that God has called us who love Him “according to His purpose” (Rom.8:28). And one of His purposes is that we were “into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Cor. 1:9).
When Christ called His disciples, He had a specific purpose in mind. There would be several years of training, victories, and failures as they learned and followed Him, but there was always a goal in mind—a calling. When God called you out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light (2 Peter 2:9), there was a purpose in mind and years of teaching ahead with successes and failures to experience as you followed Christ.
But make no mistake, you were called, and you were called with a goal in mind. You can pick any of the callings from the verses above. They all describe a journey where we must follow Christ in order to
reach the goal of our calling. Paul speaks to the believers in Ephesus and says, “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received” (Eph. 4:1).
To what has Christ called you? Have you been walking with, following after, and seeking out your Lord Who will lead you to your goal?
Prayer: Pray today that you will be clear about what God has called you to, and then seek to “walk worthy of your calling.”
City Venues
W Bronze & Gold Medal Curling
M/W Short Track Speed Skating
W Snowboard
M Semi-final Ice Hockey
M/W Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
W Giant Slalom Alpine Skiing
M Biathlon
M Bobsleigh
Did you know that you have been called by God? You may not have been called to be a missionary or a pastor or called to public ministry, but you are called. The Apostle Paul referred to believers as the “called-out ones of Jesus Christ” (Rom. 1:6) and told the believers in Rome that they are “called to be saints” (Rom. 1:7). Paul also reminds us that God has called us who love Him “according to His purpose” (Rom.8:28). And one of His purposes is that we were “into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Cor. 1:9).
When Christ called His disciples, He had a specific purpose in mind. There would be several years of training, victories, and failures as they learned and followed Him, but there was always a goal in mind—a calling. When God called you out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light (2 Peter 2:9), there was a purpose in mind and years of teaching ahead with successes and failures to experience as you followed Christ.
But make no mistake, you were called, and you were called with a goal in mind. You can pick any of the callings from the verses above. They all describe a journey where we must follow Christ in order to
reach the goal of our calling. Paul speaks to the believers in Ephesus and says, “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received” (Eph. 4:1).
To what has Christ called you? Have you been walking with, following after, and seeking out your Lord Who will lead you to your goal?
Prayer: Pray today that you will be clear about what God has called you to, and then seek to “walk worthy of your calling.”
City Venues
W Bronze & Gold Medal Curling
M/W Short Track Speed Skating
W Snowboard
M Semi-final Ice Hockey
M/W Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
W Giant Slalom Alpine Skiing
M Biathlon
M Bobsleigh
Thursday, February 25, 2010
PrayBC - Olympic Prayer Guide - Day 14
Reflecting on God’s Image
The athlete often is the ideal picture of health and physical fitness that most people wish they were. We all were created in the image of God. With the ability to reflect His nature, character, and can respond to His love with love. When we care for others, we are acting as God acts. When we forgive others, we reflect God’s nature. When we bring truth into a murky situation, we demonstrate God’s character.
Jesus Christ “is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation” (Col. 1:15). As believers, we have the ability to be Christlike as well. Christ said, “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). The writer of Romans said, “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers” (Rom. 8:29). There is no doubt that what God intended from the very beginning was for His people, His creation, to reflect His nature, which is also Christ’s nature. This should be the goal of every person who seeks to honor God. If we choose not to reflect the image of God, the only other option is to reflect the image of God’s greatest enemy, Satan. His image is a corruption of everything that is good; a cheap imitation that cannot hold up; a fraudulent image that sets itself up as an alternative to righteousness, holiness, goodness, and truth.
Reflecting the enemy’s image leads to death. Reflecting the image of God leads to life. This choice is always up to us. Will you stop for a moment and reflect on God’s image, His nature, His character, and also the image of His Son, Jesus Christ?
Now, place your character, your nature, and your reputation alongside of Christ’s. What do you see?
Prayer: Will you pray today and ask God’s Spirit to conform you into the image of His Son so that you can reflect His glory for everyone to see?
City Venues
M/W Curling Semifinals
W Free Program Figure Skating
M Aerials Freestyle Skiing
W Bronze & Gold Medal Ice Hockey
Whistler Venues
M Nordic Combined
W Cross Country Skiing
The athlete often is the ideal picture of health and physical fitness that most people wish they were. We all were created in the image of God. With the ability to reflect His nature, character, and can respond to His love with love. When we care for others, we are acting as God acts. When we forgive others, we reflect God’s nature. When we bring truth into a murky situation, we demonstrate God’s character.
Jesus Christ “is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation” (Col. 1:15). As believers, we have the ability to be Christlike as well. Christ said, “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). The writer of Romans said, “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers” (Rom. 8:29). There is no doubt that what God intended from the very beginning was for His people, His creation, to reflect His nature, which is also Christ’s nature. This should be the goal of every person who seeks to honor God. If we choose not to reflect the image of God, the only other option is to reflect the image of God’s greatest enemy, Satan. His image is a corruption of everything that is good; a cheap imitation that cannot hold up; a fraudulent image that sets itself up as an alternative to righteousness, holiness, goodness, and truth.
Reflecting the enemy’s image leads to death. Reflecting the image of God leads to life. This choice is always up to us. Will you stop for a moment and reflect on God’s image, His nature, His character, and also the image of His Son, Jesus Christ?
Now, place your character, your nature, and your reputation alongside of Christ’s. What do you see?
Prayer: Will you pray today and ask God’s Spirit to conform you into the image of His Son so that you can reflect His glory for everyone to see?
City Venues
M/W Curling Semifinals
W Free Program Figure Skating
M Aerials Freestyle Skiing
W Bronze & Gold Medal Ice Hockey
Whistler Venues
M Nordic Combined
W Cross Country Skiing
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
PrayBC - Olympic Prayer Guide - Day 13
One True God
Countries from around the world gather to compete to determine whose athletes are the best. In dozens of competitions, numerous countries and all the major world religions will be well represented. Athletes will compete for a medal and a rank, but Christians will be fighting for much more. Many of the athletes will never have heard about Christ from a Christian. They will have been taught inaccurate and false information regarding Christ, Christians, the Bible, and the essence of Christianity. Some athletes will give glory to Allah, others to their local gods, but the Christian will be bringing glory to the Lord of lords and the King of kings. They will embody the living Lord, the Creator and Sustainer of all.
As they stand beside athletes from around the world, Christ is demonstrating His love through them. As they compete against people who worship other gods and bow down to idols, they have the Spirit of the living God drawing people to Himself through them.
Prayer: Pray that Christians “let their light so shine before men that they will see their good works and glorify their Father in Heaven.”
City Venues
M/W Curling
M/W Short Track Speed Skating
W Aerial Freestyle Skiing
M Ice Hockey
W Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
W Giant Slalom Alpine Skiing
M Cross Country Skiing
W Bobsleigh
Countries from around the world gather to compete to determine whose athletes are the best. In dozens of competitions, numerous countries and all the major world religions will be well represented. Athletes will compete for a medal and a rank, but Christians will be fighting for much more. Many of the athletes will never have heard about Christ from a Christian. They will have been taught inaccurate and false information regarding Christ, Christians, the Bible, and the essence of Christianity. Some athletes will give glory to Allah, others to their local gods, but the Christian will be bringing glory to the Lord of lords and the King of kings. They will embody the living Lord, the Creator and Sustainer of all.
As they stand beside athletes from around the world, Christ is demonstrating His love through them. As they compete against people who worship other gods and bow down to idols, they have the Spirit of the living God drawing people to Himself through them.
Prayer: Pray that Christians “let their light so shine before men that they will see their good works and glorify their Father in Heaven.”
City Venues
M/W Curling
M/W Short Track Speed Skating
W Aerial Freestyle Skiing
M Ice Hockey
W Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
W Giant Slalom Alpine Skiing
M Cross Country Skiing
W Bobsleigh
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
PrayBC - Olympic Prayer Guide - Day 12
Never Alone
The Olympics involve some sports that call for individual effort and others that call for partners and teams working together. But even the individuals know that they did not get to where they are on their own. There were coaches, trainers, nutritionists, governments providing funding, families and friends backing them up, and more.
Whether it is the bobsled team, synchronized swim team, volleyball team, rowing team, or hockey team, each person has a specific role to play and specific skills they have developed to use for the team to function properly. Depending on one’s teammates is not always easy as there are personality conflicts, different tastes, conflicting values and opposing opinions. But to win, each person must learn to do what is best for the team and submit their will to the will of the coach and the team.
Prayer: Father, thank You for all those You have brought into my life to encourage and bless and guide me to this place. Please give me wisdom and patience and help me show respect, appreciation, and love for those You have brought to walk with me in these days.
City Venues
M/W Curling
W Figure Skating
M Freestyle Ski Cross
M/W Ice Hockey
M Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
M Nordic Combined Team LH
M Nordic Team Relay
W Biathlon
W Bobsleigh
The Olympics involve some sports that call for individual effort and others that call for partners and teams working together. But even the individuals know that they did not get to where they are on their own. There were coaches, trainers, nutritionists, governments providing funding, families and friends backing them up, and more.
Whether it is the bobsled team, synchronized swim team, volleyball team, rowing team, or hockey team, each person has a specific role to play and specific skills they have developed to use for the team to function properly. Depending on one’s teammates is not always easy as there are personality conflicts, different tastes, conflicting values and opposing opinions. But to win, each person must learn to do what is best for the team and submit their will to the will of the coach and the team.
Prayer: Father, thank You for all those You have brought into my life to encourage and bless and guide me to this place. Please give me wisdom and patience and help me show respect, appreciation, and love for those You have brought to walk with me in these days.
City Venues
M/W Curling
W Figure Skating
M Freestyle Ski Cross
M/W Ice Hockey
M Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
M Nordic Combined Team LH
M Nordic Team Relay
W Biathlon
W Bobsleigh
Monday, February 22, 2010
PrayBC - Olympic Prayer Guide - Day 11
An athlete’s reaction to victory usually falls into one of two categories. The first is dancing, waving, jumping, flag waving, and even blowing kisses to adoring fans and family the moments they have won. The other is an overwhelming sense of accomplishment that often leads to tears as all the emotions that have built up over the past four years come flooding over them. Many people think of all the sacrifices that have been made for this one moment and the tremendous cost that has been paid physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Both
can be expressions of joy—one external, the other internal.
“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Heb 12:2). Christ could see joy in the face of such imminent suffering because He knew what the end result would be. There is joy in victory. There is joy in accomplishment.
There is joy in the midst of adversity when you realize you have been faithful to your Lord and He knows it. Tears of joy have fallen down the cheeks of many believers who have felt the very presence of God’s Spirit overwhelming them with His love.
Prayer: May we grasp the truth that it is of greater worth than gold to reveal Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:7).
City Venues
M/W Curling
Free Dance Figure Skating
M Freestyle Aerial Skiing
M/W Ice Hockey
Whistler Venues
M Ski Jumping
M/W Cross Country Skiing - Team Sprint
An athlete’s reaction to victory usually falls into one of two categories. The first is dancing, waving, jumping, flag waving, and even blowing kisses to adoring fans and family the moments they have won. The other is an overwhelming sense of accomplishment that often leads to tears as all the emotions that have built up over the past four years come flooding over them. Many people think of all the sacrifices that have been made for this one moment and the tremendous cost that has been paid physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Both
can be expressions of joy—one external, the other internal.
“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Heb 12:2). Christ could see joy in the face of such imminent suffering because He knew what the end result would be. There is joy in victory. There is joy in accomplishment.
There is joy in the midst of adversity when you realize you have been faithful to your Lord and He knows it. Tears of joy have fallen down the cheeks of many believers who have felt the very presence of God’s Spirit overwhelming them with His love.
Prayer: May we grasp the truth that it is of greater worth than gold to reveal Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:7).
City Venues
M/W Curling
Free Dance Figure Skating
M Freestyle Aerial Skiing
M/W Ice Hockey
Whistler Venues
M Ski Jumping
M/W Cross Country Skiing - Team Sprint
Sunday, February 21, 2010
PrayBC - Olympic Prayer Guide - Day 10
Fiery Trials
Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you” (1 Peter 4:12,14)
Many, if not most, athletes must overcome many difficulties to make it to the Olympics. Such things as family issues, financial concerns, career plans, further education, and lack of support or encouragement can keep many athletes from participating in the international competition.
It is an enormous achievement just showing up, much less competing and winning! The Bible tells us that believers, too, must face many obstacles daily simply because they belong to Christ. Though Satan throws the obstacles in front of us to challenge us, God turns them into the means through which we grow and come to know Him more intimately. What fiery trial are you facing today?
Will you let it constrain you or grow you in your dependence and devotion to God?
Prayer: Father, thank You for the trials You allow into my life. I ask that I always view them as an opportunity to grow in my dependence and devotion to You.
City Venues
M/W Curling
Figure Skating - Dance Program
M Freestyle Ski Cross
M Ice Hockey
W Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
M Giant Slalom Alpine Skiing
M/W Biathlon
M Bobsleigh
Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you” (1 Peter 4:12,14)
Many, if not most, athletes must overcome many difficulties to make it to the Olympics. Such things as family issues, financial concerns, career plans, further education, and lack of support or encouragement can keep many athletes from participating in the international competition.
It is an enormous achievement just showing up, much less competing and winning! The Bible tells us that believers, too, must face many obstacles daily simply because they belong to Christ. Though Satan throws the obstacles in front of us to challenge us, God turns them into the means through which we grow and come to know Him more intimately. What fiery trial are you facing today?
Will you let it constrain you or grow you in your dependence and devotion to God?
Prayer: Father, thank You for the trials You allow into my life. I ask that I always view them as an opportunity to grow in my dependence and devotion to You.
City Venues
M/W Curling
Figure Skating - Dance Program
M Freestyle Ski Cross
M Ice Hockey
W Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
M Giant Slalom Alpine Skiing
M/W Biathlon
M Bobsleigh
Saturday, February 20, 2010
PrayBC - Olympic Prayer Guide - Day 9
Forgetting That Which Is Behind
We are not the people we once were. We have grown from where we were to where we are now. We are able to accomplish more, endure more, and strive for higher goals than ever before because we have grown. Things that once would have kept us back are no longer obstacles for us. We have conquered many things that had previously conquered us. But to rest on our former accomplishments distracts us from pressing toward toward the mark. We are not who we once were, but neither are we who we will yet become. Each achievement and each victory prepares us for the next one, and the next one, and so on it goes.
Some athletes achieve their goals and then immediately retire from any more competition. They live to remember “the good old days” and recount the thrill of past victories over and over. But the Christian life is not finished until we stand before the throne of God in heaven. Our work on earth is not completed until God says it is. When Christ said, “It is finished”
(John 19:30), He had full confidence that He had done all that His Father had asked of Him. Paul’s life was coming to an end when he wrote, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the
faith. 8Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” (2 Tim. 4:7–8).
Prayer: Father, today give the courage and strength to stay the course and finish the race.
City Venues
M/W Curling
M/W Short Track Speed Skating
W Freestyle Skiing
M/W Ice Hockey
M Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
W Super-G Alpine Skiing
M Long Hill Ski Jumping
M Bobsleigh
We are not the people we once were. We have grown from where we were to where we are now. We are able to accomplish more, endure more, and strive for higher goals than ever before because we have grown. Things that once would have kept us back are no longer obstacles for us. We have conquered many things that had previously conquered us. But to rest on our former accomplishments distracts us from pressing toward toward the mark. We are not who we once were, but neither are we who we will yet become. Each achievement and each victory prepares us for the next one, and the next one, and so on it goes.
Some athletes achieve their goals and then immediately retire from any more competition. They live to remember “the good old days” and recount the thrill of past victories over and over. But the Christian life is not finished until we stand before the throne of God in heaven. Our work on earth is not completed until God says it is. When Christ said, “It is finished”
(John 19:30), He had full confidence that He had done all that His Father had asked of Him. Paul’s life was coming to an end when he wrote, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the
faith. 8Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” (2 Tim. 4:7–8).
Prayer: Father, today give the courage and strength to stay the course and finish the race.
City Venues
M/W Curling
M/W Short Track Speed Skating
W Freestyle Skiing
M/W Ice Hockey
M Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
W Super-G Alpine Skiing
M Long Hill Ski Jumping
M Bobsleigh
Friday, February 19, 2010
PrayBC - Olympic Prayer Guide - Day 8
Being His Glory
'Indeed, you are our glory and joy” (1 Thess. 2:20).
It is always nice to hear Christians acknowledging God when they receive an award or recognition for their achievements. This shows gratitude and honors God publicly. Some believers think this is giving Him the glory, as if we had any glory to give Him in the first place. It is not our place to go around giving God glory, for that is really not what He desires.
Thanking God at the end of the day for all that we were able to accomplish is gratitude but not glory. What God is looking for is a life that demonstrates the glory of God. You see, when we let Him accomplish His will through us, He brings glory to Himself through our life. It is not something we give but something we are. We are the glory of God for all to see when we live a life of faithfulness and obedience and joy in the Lord.
God will always receive glory from our life when we demonstrate our love and devotion to Him by faithfully following His guiding Spirit in our life. “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:16). There is plenty of glory for God to have through His people who live out their Christianity before a watching world. And yes, we should be grateful people who regularly give thanks to the Lord for He is good and His mercy is never failing.
Prayer: Thank You for Your goodness and unfailing mercy. I ask that today I publicly honor You.
City Venues
M/W Curling
Compulsory Dance Figure Skating
M Ice Hockey
Whistler Venues
M Super-G Alpine Skiing
M Long Hill Ski Jumping
W Cross-Country Skiing
M/W Skeleton
'Indeed, you are our glory and joy” (1 Thess. 2:20).
It is always nice to hear Christians acknowledging God when they receive an award or recognition for their achievements. This shows gratitude and honors God publicly. Some believers think this is giving Him the glory, as if we had any glory to give Him in the first place. It is not our place to go around giving God glory, for that is really not what He desires.
Thanking God at the end of the day for all that we were able to accomplish is gratitude but not glory. What God is looking for is a life that demonstrates the glory of God. You see, when we let Him accomplish His will through us, He brings glory to Himself through our life. It is not something we give but something we are. We are the glory of God for all to see when we live a life of faithfulness and obedience and joy in the Lord.
God will always receive glory from our life when we demonstrate our love and devotion to Him by faithfully following His guiding Spirit in our life. “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matt. 5:16). There is plenty of glory for God to have through His people who live out their Christianity before a watching world. And yes, we should be grateful people who regularly give thanks to the Lord for He is good and His mercy is never failing.
Prayer: Thank You for Your goodness and unfailing mercy. I ask that today I publicly honor You.
City Venues
M/W Curling
Compulsory Dance Figure Skating
M Ice Hockey
Whistler Venues
M Super-G Alpine Skiing
M Long Hill Ski Jumping
W Cross-Country Skiing
M/W Skeleton
Thursday, February 18, 2010
PrayBC - Olympic Prayer Guide - Day 7
Keeping Our Focus
The focus for the believer is not to win; the focus for the believer is in the running of the race. For if we run properly,we will win. But if we run the race entangled and ensnared by the “cares of the world” and the “sin which so easily entangles us,” there is no possibility of winning, no matter how much effort is expended. We are to run in such a way as to win.
We are to walk and not faint. We are to avoid the pitfalls, the snares, the entanglements, and distractions so that we will win. Every believer who runs properly will complete the race and win along with every other believer who has remained faithful to his calling during his lifetime. We all win together as we all strive together and serve together.
Too many athletes finish the race and win the prize only to have it taken away in the end because they were found to have not run the race properly. They cheated, cut corners, and took calculated risks and were exposed for who they really were in the end. They disqualified themselves because they did not run according to the rules of the game. The Bible is our guidebook— our rules for how to run the race. The Judge at the end knows every intimate detail of our life and knows if we are running to win, if we are running according to His rules, or if we are just fooling ourselves and not actually in the race at all.
Prayer: Father, reveal those intimate details of my life that may have entangled me in running the race to win.
City Venues:
M/W Curling
M Free Program Figure Skating
W Halfpipe Snowboard
M/W Ice Hockey
W Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
M/W Individual Biathlon
M/W Skeleton
The focus for the believer is not to win; the focus for the believer is in the running of the race. For if we run properly,we will win. But if we run the race entangled and ensnared by the “cares of the world” and the “sin which so easily entangles us,” there is no possibility of winning, no matter how much effort is expended. We are to run in such a way as to win.
We are to walk and not faint. We are to avoid the pitfalls, the snares, the entanglements, and distractions so that we will win. Every believer who runs properly will complete the race and win along with every other believer who has remained faithful to his calling during his lifetime. We all win together as we all strive together and serve together.
Too many athletes finish the race and win the prize only to have it taken away in the end because they were found to have not run the race properly. They cheated, cut corners, and took calculated risks and were exposed for who they really were in the end. They disqualified themselves because they did not run according to the rules of the game. The Bible is our guidebook— our rules for how to run the race. The Judge at the end knows every intimate detail of our life and knows if we are running to win, if we are running according to His rules, or if we are just fooling ourselves and not actually in the race at all.
Prayer: Father, reveal those intimate details of my life that may have entangled me in running the race to win.
City Venues:
M/W Curling
M Free Program Figure Skating
W Halfpipe Snowboard
M/W Ice Hockey
W Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
M/W Individual Biathlon
M/W Skeleton
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
PrayBC - Olympic Prayer Guide - Day 6
The Spirit’s Power
Long distance runners face a perilous challenge as they compete. There comes a point in the race where all the stored energy they have received from eating and drinking is completely used up, and the body begins to consume itself for fuel in order to finish the race. Energy literally comes from within one’s own self to reach the goal. As believers, we have the indwelling Spirit of God to provide our spiritual source of power. To achieve anything of significance in the kingdom of God, we have to quickly come to the end of our own self and begin drawing on the inner power of the Spirit to accomplish the goals set before us.
Depending on our own strength will only take us so far in God’s work, but accessing the power of God in us will take us to the goal and beyond because the goal is never the end; it is only the beginning of another effort God has planned for us. In God’s kingdom, there is continuous motion, constant effort, and unceasing activity as He continues to draw those in darkness towards the light. Without the sustaining power of His Spirit in us, none of this is possible. When Paul said, “for me to live is Christ,” he was not only identifying with His Lord
but indicating the source of his life and the energy behind his efforts in the kingdom.
Prayer: Father, reveal to me if I have been doing Your work on my own power instead of Yours. Show me how to utilize Your power in my life and let You work through me to accomplish Your work.
City Venues:
M/W Curling
M/W Short Track Speed Skating
M Halfpipe Snowboard
W/M Ice Hockey
M Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
W Downhill Alpine Skiing
M/W Cross-Country Skiing Sprint
Doubles Luge
Long distance runners face a perilous challenge as they compete. There comes a point in the race where all the stored energy they have received from eating and drinking is completely used up, and the body begins to consume itself for fuel in order to finish the race. Energy literally comes from within one’s own self to reach the goal. As believers, we have the indwelling Spirit of God to provide our spiritual source of power. To achieve anything of significance in the kingdom of God, we have to quickly come to the end of our own self and begin drawing on the inner power of the Spirit to accomplish the goals set before us.
Depending on our own strength will only take us so far in God’s work, but accessing the power of God in us will take us to the goal and beyond because the goal is never the end; it is only the beginning of another effort God has planned for us. In God’s kingdom, there is continuous motion, constant effort, and unceasing activity as He continues to draw those in darkness towards the light. Without the sustaining power of His Spirit in us, none of this is possible. When Paul said, “for me to live is Christ,” he was not only identifying with His Lord
but indicating the source of his life and the energy behind his efforts in the kingdom.
Prayer: Father, reveal to me if I have been doing Your work on my own power instead of Yours. Show me how to utilize Your power in my life and let You work through me to accomplish Your work.
City Venues:
M/W Curling
M/W Short Track Speed Skating
M Halfpipe Snowboard
W/M Ice Hockey
M Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
W Downhill Alpine Skiing
M/W Cross-Country Skiing Sprint
Doubles Luge
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
PrayBC - Olympic Prayer Guide - Day 5
To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy” (Jude 1:24). One of the greatest fears of a runner is to stumble in the race. Every partial second counts, and to stumble means the race is effectively over at that very moment.
One excessive head turn, a sloppy hand-off, even the slightest distraction can have devastating effects on the outcome. It is not much different in the Christian life. One stumble, one inopportune action, one indiscretion can have devastating effects on a lifetime of good works. It is the spirit of God who will keep us from stumbling spiritually. He is the One who can protect our reputation, our heart, and minds in the Lord. The
only time we will stumble is when we refuse to heed His voice, and disaster is most certainly just around the corner.
Stumbling in the Christian life can have far reaching impact, not only on our own ministry, but on our family and friends as well. One great method to prevent stumbling is to have someone to walk with you. Such a person can act as an accountability partner, a confidant, or iron that sharpens iron.
Prayer: Father, You know my weaknesses and those things that can tempt me. Keep me from stumbling and bringing shame to Your name. Help me stand firm and allow those You have placed around me to walk with me and help me to walk in Your strength.
City Venues
W/M Curling
M Short Program Figure Skating
W Snowboard Cross
M/W Ice Hockey
W Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
M Super Combined Alpine Skiing
W/M Biathlon
W Luge
To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy” (Jude 1:24). One of the greatest fears of a runner is to stumble in the race. Every partial second counts, and to stumble means the race is effectively over at that very moment.
One excessive head turn, a sloppy hand-off, even the slightest distraction can have devastating effects on the outcome. It is not much different in the Christian life. One stumble, one inopportune action, one indiscretion can have devastating effects on a lifetime of good works. It is the spirit of God who will keep us from stumbling spiritually. He is the One who can protect our reputation, our heart, and minds in the Lord. The
only time we will stumble is when we refuse to heed His voice, and disaster is most certainly just around the corner.
Stumbling in the Christian life can have far reaching impact, not only on our own ministry, but on our family and friends as well. One great method to prevent stumbling is to have someone to walk with you. Such a person can act as an accountability partner, a confidant, or iron that sharpens iron.
Prayer: Father, You know my weaknesses and those things that can tempt me. Keep me from stumbling and bringing shame to Your name. Help me stand firm and allow those You have placed around me to walk with me and help me to walk in Your strength.
City Venues
W/M Curling
M Short Program Figure Skating
W Snowboard Cross
M/W Ice Hockey
W Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
M Super Combined Alpine Skiing
W/M Biathlon
W Luge
Used by permission, courtesy of Blackaby Ministries.
Monday, February 15, 2010
PrayBC - Olympic Prayer Guide - Day 4
Ambassadors for Christ
Representing your country is no small responsibility. People take pride in the athletes who go to compete on behalf of their nation. They live through the athletes vicariously, shouting for joy in the victory and sharing the disappointment in defeat. For many athletes, the weight of representing their country is a burden they gladly bear. Running around the track for a victory lap carrying their flag across their shoulders or hearing their anthem played as they receive the gold medal imparts a national pride that carries deep within. Tears often roll down the faces of victors at the sound of their national anthem because at that moment, more than a personal best has been achieved—a whole nation celebrates the achievement of their athlete.
We are citizens of God’s kingdom, representing Him everywhere we go and in everything we do. We have fellow citizens who are praying for us, lifting us up before our King of kings daily, encouraging us to stand firm, trust in the Lord, and to do all things as unto the Lord. We have a higher calling than what our nation calls us to; we have a calling from God Most High to represent Him to the nations of the world.
Prayer: Father, help me represent You as You want to be represented. Use Your Spirit in my life in such a way that only Your love is expressed freely through me, and people are drawn to Your presence.
City Venues
Pairs Figure Skating
M Snowboard
W Ice Hockey
M Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
W/M Cross-Country Skiing
W Luge
Representing your country is no small responsibility. People take pride in the athletes who go to compete on behalf of their nation. They live through the athletes vicariously, shouting for joy in the victory and sharing the disappointment in defeat. For many athletes, the weight of representing their country is a burden they gladly bear. Running around the track for a victory lap carrying their flag across their shoulders or hearing their anthem played as they receive the gold medal imparts a national pride that carries deep within. Tears often roll down the faces of victors at the sound of their national anthem because at that moment, more than a personal best has been achieved—a whole nation celebrates the achievement of their athlete.
We are citizens of God’s kingdom, representing Him everywhere we go and in everything we do. We have fellow citizens who are praying for us, lifting us up before our King of kings daily, encouraging us to stand firm, trust in the Lord, and to do all things as unto the Lord. We have a higher calling than what our nation calls us to; we have a calling from God Most High to represent Him to the nations of the world.
Prayer: Father, help me represent You as You want to be represented. Use Your Spirit in my life in such a way that only Your love is expressed freely through me, and people are drawn to Your presence.
City Venues
Pairs Figure Skating
M Snowboard
W Ice Hockey
M Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
W/M Cross-Country Skiing
W Luge
Used by permission courtesy of Blackaby Ministries.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
PrayBC - Olympic Prayer Guide - Day 3
“I will give you rest” (Matt 11:28).
Every muscle aching, physically and emotionally exhausted, pushed beyond your limits, and drained of every ounce of energy is the life of a competitive athlete. There is satisfaction in seeing the small improvements, the minute gains, and the established goals being achieved. Fighting spiritual battles; going to war with the enemy; standing against persecution, discrimination, and oppression; guarding your heart and life—that’s the life of a believer. There is satisfaction in seeing more patience, greater wisdom, and people being drawn to Christ step-by-step.
In the midst of the battle, we can rest in the Lord knowing we are dead center in His will, being faithful to our call and obedient to his bidding. The physical exertion, the spiritual energy, the body and soul working together in the kingdom of God—that is when we are truly alive in Christ. True rest comes only after energy is expended. The rest Christ gives us rejuvenates the soul and the body and re-energizes us for the next effort we face. It brings hope for the future and joy to the heart.
Don’t come to Christ for rest until you have first expended the energy; then He will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Prayer: Father, though there is much to do, let me rest in You and restore the joy of my salvation today.
City Venues
Pairs Figure Skating
M Moguls
W Ice Hockey
W Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
W Alpine Skiing
M Nordic Combined
M Biathlon
M Luge
Every muscle aching, physically and emotionally exhausted, pushed beyond your limits, and drained of every ounce of energy is the life of a competitive athlete. There is satisfaction in seeing the small improvements, the minute gains, and the established goals being achieved. Fighting spiritual battles; going to war with the enemy; standing against persecution, discrimination, and oppression; guarding your heart and life—that’s the life of a believer. There is satisfaction in seeing more patience, greater wisdom, and people being drawn to Christ step-by-step.
In the midst of the battle, we can rest in the Lord knowing we are dead center in His will, being faithful to our call and obedient to his bidding. The physical exertion, the spiritual energy, the body and soul working together in the kingdom of God—that is when we are truly alive in Christ. True rest comes only after energy is expended. The rest Christ gives us rejuvenates the soul and the body and re-energizes us for the next effort we face. It brings hope for the future and joy to the heart.
Don’t come to Christ for rest until you have first expended the energy; then He will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Prayer: Father, though there is much to do, let me rest in You and restore the joy of my salvation today.
City Venues
Pairs Figure Skating
M Moguls
W Ice Hockey
W Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
W Alpine Skiing
M Nordic Combined
M Biathlon
M Luge
Used by permission, courtesy Blackaby Ministries
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Winter Olympic Prayer Devotional - Day 2
Discipline, Duty, or Desire
We are creatures of habit. Some habits are great, and some habits are destructive. Routines, habits, and duties can be fulfilled almost unconsciously. You drive to work and can’t remember a single detail of your journey when you arrive. You went through the automatic motions of driving and arriving safely but were not personally engaged along the journey. This can happen in our walk with God as well. When we are distracted by life’s challenges and challenged by life’s distractions, we can go through the entire day without any personal engagement with God. We read the Bible, prayed a quick prayer, and went through the motions, but never truly opened our hearts to the personal aspect of our relationship with God.
When you change your discipline and duty to desiring God and His Spirit’s filling in your life, you will live an inspired life that is engaged every moment of your journey. Instead of going through the motions, you will see God at work all around you in everything you do and everywhere you go. Determine to let the Spirit guide you today to be aware of His presence and His activity, so you will not miss a heartbeat of His will for your life. Spend each moment with a conscious awareness of God, and you will be astonished at what He has in mind to do through you today. Can you truly say you are serving the Lord today out of a heart’s desire to love Him, or is there some other reason? Service from love is a joy, not a burden.
Prayer: Father, help me love You more today than ever before in my life, and let my service to You be a joy, not a burden.
City Venues
M/W Short Track Speed Skating
W Moguls
W Ice Hockey
M Speed Skating
Whistler Venues
M Downhill Skiing
M Individual Ski Jumping
W Biathlon
M Luge
Thursday, February 11, 2010
PrayBC/More Than Gold Olympic Prayer Track - Day 1
“You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me” (Luke 18:22).
The Olympics require a tremendous amount of personal sacrifice in order to gain one’s personal best. The cost financially, physically, emotionally, and psychologically can take a great toll on the competitors. Even when athletes don’t achieve the gold medal, they can still be proud, even ecstatic, that they have accomplished more personally than they had ever done before. The primary failure is not whether or not one stands on the podium but whether or not he did his very best.
Nothing can be permitted to enter the athlete’s world that will cause him to compromise his potential in the least—nothing. The individual who came to Christ had lived a pious life. He had been disciplined personally and publicly. He had achieved, so he thought, his personal best, yet there was still something missing in his life. The problem was that he had allowed his wealth to distract him from achieving his full potential. When he came to the one Person Who had the solution, Who could see his problem, the diagnosis saddened him for he was very wealthy. The answer was standing right before him, yet he would not let go of the hindrance. He settled for a second-best effort and took home with him only what he had come with—good intentions and a hindrance instead of eternal life.
City Venues
Whistler Venues
M Ski Jumping
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
PrayBC Supports the More Than Gold Prayer Initiative

We encourage you to pray along with us during this tremendous opportunity and look forward to seeing God respond to our collective prayers.
MLA Sue Hammell - Surrey-Green Timbers

We thank You for her special interest in women’s issues, both at home and abroad, and for her interest and influence with aboriginal people. May she be used as an instrument of blessing to many, and may her leadership be a source of courage and strength to those touched by her. Bless her, Lord, and may she see Your hand in all that she does.
Sue Hammell was re-elected as the MLA for Surrey-Green Timbers on May 12, 2009. She was first elected in 1991, and re-elected in both 1996 and 2005.
Sue serves as deputy opposition critic for Health Services.
Sue has served in a number of cabinet positions during her political career, including Minister of Housing, Recreation and Consumer Services, Minister Responsible for Co-operatives, and the Minister for Women's Equality. In addition, she was Government Caucus Chair and was active on several legislative committees.
Sue is also a founding member of the Minerva Foundation for BC Women, initiated in 1999 to provide funds for projects that will assist women to realize their potential and to create a safe place for them to live and work in British Columbia.
Sue has been working with Washington BC based National Democratic Institute since 2000. With NDI she traveled to the Middle East five times to work with emerging political parties and female candidates.
In 2002 Sue worked with the Surrey Aboriginal Society as their Executive Director. She developed the Society into a modern urban centre for aboriginal people with an annual budget of over 2 million dollars.
Born in Vancouver, Sue was raised on Sea Island in Richmond. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Education from the University of British Columbia, she taught in Verdun, Quebec, in Courtenay and Surrey.
Sue is married and has one grown daughter, Sage. Sue and her husband John have lived in the Surrey Green Timbers area since 1990.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
MLA Guy Genter Delta North

Guy Gentner was re-elected as the MLA for Delta North on May 12, 2009. He was first elected to the Legislature May 17, 2005.
Guy serves as opposition critic for Intergovernmental Relations.
Guy Gentner served as a Delta Councillor from 1999 to 2005. As chair of the Delta Parks, Recreation and Culture Commission, Guy re-organized the department to include a significant capitalization program for parks, recreation and the arts.
Guy’s efforts as chair of the commission were instrumental in the delivery of an enhanced Sun God Aquatic Centre, Mackie Park Artificial Turf Field, improvements to the Watershed Park and the new Fire Hall Centre for the Arts.
Guy also chaired Delta’s Planning and Environment Committee and Traffic and Safety Committee and served on many municipal committees including Finance, Foreshore and Harbours, Tour de Delta, and the GVRD’s Parks Committee. Guy’s community involvement consists of Delta’s Heritage Advisory Commission, Delta’s Board of Variance and the Delta Arts Council.
Guy helped form the North Delta/Newton Public Hospital Society, and is also a past president of the North Delta Ratepayers Association and former vice-president of the Burns Bog Conservation Society.
Through the mayor’s bog task force, Guy contributed to the negotiating process that helped public purchase of Burns Bog.
Guy graduated from Simon Fraser University, drove a bus for many years, fly fishes and is an advocate for outdoor recreation.
Monday, February 8, 2010
MLA Scott Fraser Alberni-Qualicum

In Jesus Name. Amen.
Scott serves as opposition critic for Community and Rural Development.
From 1996 to 1999 Scott served as the mayor of the District of Tofino and was involved in the creation of the first UNESCO World Biosphere designation in British Columbia.
Scott has also served on many organizations, including Alberni Clayoquot Regional District Board, Vancouver Island Regional Library Board, Clayoquot Sound Central Region Board, Tourism British Columbia, Vancouver Island Health Board, Tofino/Long Beach Chamber of Commerce, treaty advisory committees, fisheries committees and the Family Court Committee.
Scott was born in Ottawa, Ontario and has been a resident of BC since 1980. His background includes small business, labour, harbour management, fisheries and shellfish aquaculture.
Scott lived in Tofino with his wife and daughter for over 12 years. They now live in the Qualicum Beach area.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
MLA Eric Foster - Vernon-Monashee

Eric Foster was elected on May 12, 2009 as MLA for Vernon-Monashee in the general provincial election.
Eric served as the Mayor of the Village of Lumby for four years prior to his election as MLA, councillor for the Village of Lumby for 12 years and as a director of the North Okanagan Regional District.
He is a registered forest technician and for eight years served as a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Auxiliary, as well as a director of the North Okanagan Community Futures Development Corporation.
Eric and his wife Janice have been volunteering, working and living in the North Okanagan for more than 20 years.
Eric is a great supporter of sports, the outdoors, his community, arts and culture.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Rob Fleming - Victoria Swan Lake
Dear Father,
Bless all that pertains to his life, his family, his health, his home and ministry.
In Jesus, Name, Amen
Rob Fleming was elected on May 17, 2005 as the MLA for Victoria-Hillside, and re-elected on May 12, 2009 as the MLA for the re-configured constituency of Victoria-Swan Lake.
Rob serves as opposition critic for Environment.
Rob served as critic for post-secondary and sat as chair of the legislature’s Public Accounts committee.
Rob served two terms as a Victoria City Councilor before his election to the legislature. He chaired the city’s finance committee and represented Victoria at the Capital Regional District, the Victoria Regional Transit Commission, the Capital Housing Corporation and Tourism Victoria.
Rob has been involved in a number of community organizations, including the Work Place, the Veins of Life Watershed Society, and the Victoria Cool Aid Society Foundation.
Rob received a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Victoria and has worked in research and communications.
Rob lives in Victoria with his wife Maura and daughter Rory. He is a dedicated soccer fan and player, and an avid user of Victoria's parks and beaches.
We thank You for Rob Fleming, and ask You to impart wisdom and discernment to him. Your word says, "He who walks with the wise, grows wise." We thank You for all the men and women You have placed in authority in our government. Give them great wisdom, Lord. May Rob see the plans and purposes You have for our Province in 2010.
Bless all that pertains to his life, his family, his health, his home and ministry.
In Jesus, Name, Amen
Rob Fleming was elected on May 17, 2005 as the MLA for Victoria-Hillside, and re-elected on May 12, 2009 as the MLA for the re-configured constituency of Victoria-Swan Lake.
Rob serves as opposition critic for Environment.
Rob served as critic for post-secondary and sat as chair of the legislature’s Public Accounts committee.
Rob served two terms as a Victoria City Councilor before his election to the legislature. He chaired the city’s finance committee and represented Victoria at the Capital Regional District, the Victoria Regional Transit Commission, the Capital Housing Corporation and Tourism Victoria.
Rob has been involved in a number of community organizations, including the Work Place, the Veins of Life Watershed Society, and the Victoria Cool Aid Society Foundation.
Rob received a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Victoria and has worked in research and communications.
Rob lives in Victoria with his wife Maura and daughter Rory. He is a dedicated soccer fan and player, and an avid user of Victoria's parks and beaches.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
MLA Mike Farnworth - Port Coquitlam

Bless him for his efforts in working to build democratic governance in places outside of Canada, and for all the different ways that he has served the people of British Columbia and Port Coquitlam over the years. We ask that You reveal Yourself to him as his Rock of Peace, and keep him safe and well in the days to come.
Mike Farnworth was elected as MLA for Port Coquitlam on May 12, 2009. He was first elected as the MLA for Port Coquitlam-Burke Mountain in 1991, and re-elected in 1996. Mike was re-elected again as MLA for this constituency on May 17, 2005.
Mike is the Opposition House Leader, and serves as Opposition Critic for Public Safety and Solicitor General. Mike also served the people of Port Coquitlam as a three term City Councillor.
During his time as the MLA for Port Coquitlam he served in numerous Cabinet positions, including Minister of Health and Minister of Social Development and Economic Security.
From 2001 to 2004, Mike worked in Bulgaria, the Balkans and most recently Iraq on democratic governance programs to help build multiparty democracies in former one-party states.
Mike was raised in Port Coquitlam and has lived there for over 30 years.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Hon. Kevin Falcon - Minister of Health Services

We pray for Your hand of protection upon Kevin and his family. In Jesus Name.
MLA Falcon was first elected in 2001 to represent the riding of Surrey-Cloverdale, and was re-elected in 2005 and 2009. He was previously appointed Minister of Transportation on January 26, 2004 and initially served as Minister of State for De-regulation.
As well, Minister Falcon has previously overseen a capital program that includes the Kicking Horse Canyon, the Sea to Sky Highway and the William Bennett Bridge, among many others.
Minister Falcon's leadership earned him recognition in Vancouver Magazine's annual ranking of the city's 50 most influential leaders in 2008.
Before his election to the Legislative Assembly in 2001, Kevin Falcon was president of Access Group, a corporate communications firm he founded in 1998. He has also worked in the real estate development industry and was vice-president of Northwest Investment Properties. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Simon Fraser University, and his real estate education at the University of British Columbia.
Kevin has been active with his local Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club. He is a past director of the Vancouver Sea Festival, past-president of the Vancouver Junior Chamber of Commerce and a former volunteer with the Cloverdale RCMP Bike Patrol.
Monday, February 1, 2010
MLA Mable Elmore - Member for Vancouver Kensington

Mable Elmore was elected MLA for Vancouver-Kensington on May 12, 2009.
Mable serves as deputy opposition critic for Children, Family Development and Child Care.
Mable has been a transit operator for 10 years, driving a bus in Metro Vancouver while taking a role in her union, the Canadian Auto Workers Local 111, where she coordinated the "More Buses Now" campaign to improve public bus transit.
Mable is a second generation Filipino-Canadian who has also been active in the peace movement and on immigrant, social justice, women's and gay, lesbian and transgendered issues.
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