God, We bring before You today in prayer MLA: Hon. Dr. Terry Lake our
Minister of Environment. We thank You that he has a real heart for
public service. We pray that the leadership abilities that You have
given him will continue to grow and allow him to be supernaturally
effective as Minister of Environment. We also ask that You will direct
and guide him to use these abilities for the benefit of all the citizens
of British Columbia and for Your Glory, God. May he and his family find
their times together to be times of refreshing for themselves and each
other. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Terry Lake is MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson and Minister of Environment.
Previously, he was the Parliamentary Secretary for
Health Promotion to the Minister of Health Services. He also served as
Parliamentary Secretary for the Ranching Task Force to the Minister of
Agriculture and Lands. He was elected MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson on
May 12, 2009.
Terry also served on the Selecting Standing Committee
on Aboriginal Affairs, on Health, and on Legislative Initiatives. He was
also a member of the Early Childhood Education Innovations Committee.
A veterinarian by profession, Terry served as the Mayor of the City of
Kamloops from 2005-2008 and as a city councillor from 2002-2005, a time
when Kamloops reached record employment and construction and was
recognized for service to residents by the National Quality Institute.
Terry is a recipient of the BC Veterinary Medical Association Award of
Merit for service to the profession and has served as Vice President of
the World Small Animal Veterinary Association and Vice President of the
Union of BC Municipalities. He was a member of the BC Transit Board of
Directors for three years when transit service increased dramatically in
Community service has long been a part of Terry’s life whether serving
as president of the Coquitlam Rotary Club in the 1990s or as president
of the Kamloops Recreational Soccer League. One of his most rewarding
experiences was traveling with Developing World Connections to Tangalle,
Sri Lanka in 2008 to assist with tsunami relief.
Terry and his wife Lisa have three daughters, a dog and a cat.