Jesus, thank You for MLA: Mary Polak as we lift her up to Your throne today. We ask that You will bless her richly with Your wisdom and love as she goes about her daily business. Also please give her some down time to enjoy the summer season and relax and rejuvenate with family and friends. You have given her amazing qualities to serve her province so thank You for this woman and be very near to her today. We pray in Your mighty name. Amen.
Mary Polak was appointed Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation on March 14, 2011. She was re-elected to the B.C. Legislature in 2009, having represented the constituents of Langley since 2005.
Prior to her new Cabinet post, Mary served as the Minister of Children and Family Development and Minister Responsible for Child Care, Minister of Healthy Living and Sport and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health for the Conversation on Health.
Mary previously sat on the Cabinet Committee on New Relationship Coordination and the Government Caucus Committee on Social Development as well as on the Government Caucus Committee for Natural Resources and the Economy, the Select Standing Committees for Children and Youth, Education and Public Accounts, the Cabinet Committee on Agenda Development and the Special Committee to Review the Personal Information Protection Act.
Before being elected to the Legislative Assembly, Mary Polak was director of operations for a small polling and research firm and a trustee and former chair of the Surrey School Board. Under her leadership, Surrey became the first school district in B.C. to balance its books according to generally accepted accounting principles. She also led an initiative to make Surrey the first school district in the province to publish school-by-school results for both elementary and secondary schools.
Throughout her nine years in local government, Mary has worked with many regional and provincial organizations. As a representative to the Lower Mainland Consortium of School Districts for Successful Settlement, she twice presented briefs to the Federal Immigration Commission. In the mid 1990s, Mary chaired the Council of British Columbia School Districts and in 2003, was elected to the board of directors of the British Columbia School Trustees Association.
Mary lives happily in the Willoughby area of Langley.
Father, thank You so much for this day You have created and that You have orchestrated before the beginning of time! Thank You for MLA: Pat Pimm and the giftings You have given him to serve his riding. You love him so much and we pray that he will sense Your love for him today. Protect him everywhere he goes and be very near to his family today, we pray. Thank You also for his commitment to give of himself for this beautiful province of British Columbia. We pray these things in Your precious name. Amen.
Pat Pimm was elected MLA for Peace River North in the 2009 provincial election.
Pat has served as the Chair of the Northern Caucus and currently sits on two Select Standing Committees: Aboriginal Affairs and Finance and Government Services. Pat has served as a member of Treasury Board.
A long-time resident of the Peace River region, Pat served twelve years as councillor for the City of Fort St. John from 1993-2005. For six years, he was chair of city hall’s Finance Committee, responsible for overseeing the municipality’s budget process.
With 25 years experience in the oil and gas industry, he was co-chair of the BC Oil and Gas Conference in 2002 and 2005, bringing together industry stakeholders to identify further strategies and opportunities for economic development in British Columbia’s northeast region. He has also served on a variety of other local community boards and committees.
Pat possesses an extensive background in the construction industry. He is president of Alpha Controls Ltd, a company that provides construction, maintenance, and electrician services for numerous projects. He is also a director and vice-president of the North Peace Construction Association.
Pat was a director of the British Columbia Golf Association and past president of the Lake Point Golf and Country Club. He is a long-time youth sports volunteer, having coached golf, hockey, and minor league fastball. He enjoys travel, curling, and playing hockey. Pat is married to Jody and the father of two daughters and two sons.
Dear Lord, thank You for the privilege it is to lift up our provincial leaders. You have placed them in these places for a specific purpose! We lift up MLA: Gwen O'Mahony to You and ask that You would give her a restful and peaceful summer season. In her busy times, help her to be effective and productive and strengthen her body and mind to accomplish her tasks so efficiently and with excellence. Bless those around her also with Your love and provision of Your good and perfect gifts, in Jesus' name. Amen.
Gwen O'Mahony was first elected as MLA for Chilliwack-Hope on April 19, 2012.
Father God, thank You have that You placed MLA: Michelle Mungall in a position of influence in various areas that do affect all of us who live in this province. May You give her blessings in life Lord helping her in every circumstance. We ask that a supernatural strength and wisdom be given to her to be able to communicate extremely effectively to all the people who are affected by her leadership. In her own personal life dear Lord we ask that she will find refuge with her family and be encouraged by them also. Please enable MLA: Mungall to experience the rewards of her work in special ways. We pray for her in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
At the age of 31 years-old, Michelle became the first woman elected as MLA in Nelson-Creston. Seven years earlier, in 2002, she set another record as the youngest person ever elected to Nelson City Council.
Michelle serves as opposition critic for Advanced Education, Youth and Labour Market Development.
Her university studies and her career in community development eventually brought her to Zambia, where she worked to better the lives of girls with HIV/AIDS. Michelle served as Nelson City Councillor (2002-2005); Community Coordinator, Nelson Committee on Homelessness; National Programs Assistant, YWCA Zambia; and managed the Nelson food security and micro-finance non-profit organizations.
Michelle holds a BA (Honours) in Political Science from University of Alberta and a MA in Human Security and Peacebuilding from Royal Roads University.
She was the 2008 Recipient of the National Social Sciences Humanities Research Council Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship and is bilingual in English and French.
Michelle and her partner Zak reside in their Nelson home. They enjoy skiing, hiking, local arts and being active in the region.
Dear God Almighty please help MLA: Hon. Don McRae as he fulfills his responsibilities. Thank You Lord for him and his willingness to be involved in the government of Your people here in British Columbia and Canada. Lord, may You provide him with the best of advisers to help him and may You be that quiet voice guiding him along in Your good and helpful way. May he sense that others do care about him and are praying for him and any stressors that may come his way. We also hold him up to You, Oh God Our Lord and Creator, as a person who will daily need Your strength and wisdom and others who are supporting him in his efforts. Thank You for him in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Don McRae was elected on May 12, 2009 as MLA for the riding of Comox Valley. On March 14, 2011 he was named Minister of Agriculture.
Don has served as Convener of the Select Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and was a member of the Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth, the Select Standing Committee on Health and the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services.
Don was born and raised in the Comox Valley. For the past 14 years he has taught at GP Vanier Secondary School. Aside from teaching Social Studies, Military History, and Psychology, he has also served as a rugby coach, athletic director, department chair, and Staff Leadership Committee Chair.
Don has served as a Courtenay City Councillor for the past seven years. During his time on council, he has served as a municipal director for both the Comox Strathcona Regional District and the newly restructured Comox Valley Regional District. He has also been a member of the Comox Strathcona Hospital Board, vice-chair of the Comox Valley Sewer and Water Committees and numerous community organizations and boards. In 2008, he was also appointed by Premier Campbell to the Citizen’s Conservation Council.
He is an avid jogger and enjoys hiking and fly fishing. Don has been married to his wife Deanne for 14 years and they have two daughters, Gracie and Chloe.
Our Father and God in Heaven, we pray earnestly at this time for MLA: Hon. Mary McNeil and her leadership role. It’s wonderful, dear Lord, to know that You have said in Your Holy Word “pray for those who lead”. We thank You that You will hear our prayers for our leaders since it is Your Will that we pray for them. Lord help her with her work load and not only the work serving the people of British Columbia but also when she is serving in her own household. We ask for Your encouragement to her and may she find refreshing times of reward even though the hard days as a legislator. We thank You for Minister McNeil and make her way prosperous by providing her with Your wisdom in all her decision making. We also ask that You continue to give her strength in every situation that a good leader will encounter. Thank You in advance Lord Jesus and it’s in Your Holy Name that we pray. Amen.
Minister Mary McNeil was appointed Minister for Children and Family Development on March 14, 2011. Before that, she served as Minister of Citizen Services from June 11, 2010 to March 14, 2011. She previously served as Minister of State for The Olympics and Actnow BC.
Minister McNeil was elected MLA for Vancouver-False Creek in the 2009 general provincial election.
Most recently, Mary served as president and CEO of the BC Cancer Foundation for eight years. She has served in key roles for international economic events including the G7 meetings in Halifax and Toronto, APEC in Vancouver and the XI international conference on AIDS. Mary has also served on the Vancouver Police Board for four years.
Mary was born and educated in Vancouver and has lived in Yaletown for 15 years with her husband of 41 years, Rod. She has raised four daughters and currently has 13 grandchildren.
Our loving Heavenly Father, we pray Your blessings of love and grace will rest on MLA: Joan McIntyre. As she contends for good changes in this province her passion and care for the families of British Columbia is so evident. We pray she will be aware of Your wisdom, strength, courage and confidence to help her meet the many challenges and issues that must be dealt with on a daily basis. Grant her the sufficiency of Your grace in all her endeavours. Bless her with good health, happy family times and a restful fun-filled summer. We pray in the Strong Name of Jesus. Amen.
Joan McIntyre was first elected in the riding of West Vancouver-Garibaldi in the 2005 provincial general election and re-elected in the riding of West Vancouver-Sea to Sky in 2009.
She currently serves on the Cabinet Committee for Families First. Prior to that, she served on the Agenda and Priorities Cabinet Committee, the Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth (which she chaired), and the Select Standing Committees on Crown Corporations and Public Accounts, respectively, the latter of which she previously deputy-chaired. She served as Minister of State for Intergovernmental Relations from June 2008 to June 2009.
In 1980, Joan co-founded the well-known BC polling firm of McIntyre & Mustel Research Associates Ltd. She sold her interest in 1996 to work independently concentrating more on the qualitative side of the research business and she worked in this field until 2005 when first elected.
An avid skier and sailor, Joan takes full advantage of living in one of the healthiest and active ridings in Canada.
Heavenly Father, on behalf of MLA: Norm Macdonald , we pray Your word that declares,”Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be dismayed. I set my face like a stone determined to do His will, to trust and rely on Him." Isaiah 50:7. May this portion of scripture be an inspiration for him. We thank You for his sound work ethic, diligence and care for his constituents in the riding of Columbia River-Revelstoke. May he enjoy a summer of relaxation and fun with his family who sacrifice much for the quality time he gives to the people of this province. Bless MLA Macdonald, his wife Karen and their two daughters with Your love, grace and peace. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Norm Macdonald was re-elected as the MLA for Columbia River-Revelstoke on May 12, 2009. He was first elected to the Legislature in 2005.
Norm serves as opposition critic for Forests and Range.
Recently the principal of Nicholson Elementary School, Norm has taught for more than 15 years in the Columbia Valley.
He has a further six years experience teaching in Africa.
Norm served as a Councillor and was then elected Mayor of Golden in 1996.
Norm Macdonald lives in Golden with his wife Karen and two teenage daughters.
Today we count it a privilege to pray “His perfect will and way” for MLA:Hon. Margaret MacDiarmid as she faithfully carries out her role as Minister of Labour , Citizen's Services and Open Government. We pray You will grant her wisdom, direction and clear vision for this ministry and may many doors of opportunity open that will bear much fruit in the future. Bless her work place with joy, peace, goodwill and protection as all work together in harmony. Grant her a summer with quality times of refreshing rest. May she know Your promise found in Isaiah 30:15 “quietness and confidence will be my strength”. In Jesus Name, we pray. Amen
Margaret was elected MLA for Vancouver-Fairview in the 2009 general provincial election. She was appointed Minister of Labour, Citizens' Services and Open Government on September 26, 2011. She also serves as Chair on the Cabinet Committee for Open Government and Engagement.
Margaret was appointed Minister of Tourism, Trade and Investment and Minister responsible for Intergovernmental Relations on October 25, 2010. She previously served as Minister of Education and Minister Responsible for Early Learning and Literacy from June, 2009 to October, 2010.
Margaret has been a family physician for 23 years. She served on the board of the BC Medical Association for 12 years and was president in 2006-2007. The BCMA is a voluntary association of 11,000 members comprised of British Columbia's physicians, medical residents, and medical students. During her time with the BCMA, Margaret met with key leaders from government and other organizations.
Margaret experienced the health care system as a patient after an early diagnosis of breast cancer in 2007. She received treatment and has fully recovered.
Originally from Saskatchewan, Margaret and her husband Robert moved to Rossland, BC in 1989. Since the mid-1990s, both Robert’s and Margaret’s work brought them more frequently to Vancouver, where ultimately they decided to settle. Margaret enjoys golf, bridge, playing piano, kayaking and treasures the time she spends with family and friends.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) Lord, we are blessed to have a man like MLA: Norm Letnick serving in our legislature here in British Columbia. We pray that You will continue to order his steps as he serves on various legislative committees and in multiple roles. We are grateful that he is pursuing a doctorate in the area of health economics. We pray Lord that You will not only give him vision, insight and creativity in this area but will also provide him with the people and avenues to implement these ideas for the benefit of all of our citizenry. May he and his family have a happy, healthy and refreshing summer. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
Norm was elected as MLA for Kelowna-Lake Country on May 12, 2009 in the provincial general election.
Norm is the Chair of the Select Standing Committee on Health and serves on the Legislative Review Committee. Previously, he was on the Select Standing Committees on Public Accounts, as well as Finance and Government Services. He is also the President, Francophone Parliamentary Assembly, B.C. Section.
His previous community involvement includes serving on Kelowna City Council from 2005-2008, sitting on the council of St. Charles Garnier Parish, president of the Kelowna Gyro Club, and Rotary Club past president.
As a City Councilor, Norm served on the Housing Committee; the Downtown Entertainment District Task Force; the Parks, Recreation, and Culture Task Forces; as chair of the city’s Affordable and Special Needs Housing Task Force; and served on the central Okanagan on the province’s single business license implementation committee. Prior to being elected to Kelowna City Council Norm served on both the City of Kelowna’s Entertainment District Task Force and Roads Task Force.
Before moving to Kelowna, Norm lived in Banff and owned two H&R Block franchises, a Motorola dealership, and a computer store. He served on the Banff Tourism Bureau, as president of the Banff Rotary Club, secretary/treasurer of the Banff Shine Club, and was chairman of both the Banff Hospital Board and Municipal Planning Commission. Norm also served the Banff community as a city councilor, first elected in 1992 and re-elected in 1995. He was also president of the Banff Housing Corporation developing over $20 million in affordable housing.
Before being elected as MLA, Norm was a tenured Associate Professor in the business program at Okanagan University College. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree with a Rhodes Scholarship Nomination from the University of Calgary, a Master of Business Administration degree from Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, and is currently working toward a Ph.D. in health economics at UBC Okanagan. His thesis focus is on the effectiveness of Divisions of Family Practice.
Norm was the 2009 recipient of the Canadian Cancer Society’s Regional Community Champion Award for his work with the Gala of Hope helping to fund raise $624,000 over three years.
He is bilingual in English and French, enjoys sports, reading, good movies and helping others reach their full potential. He and his wife Helene have three children.
“I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,” Hebrews 13:5 (NASB). Lord Jesus, we give thanks for MLA: John Les and are grateful for his many years of diligent public service to the people of both the Chilliwack area and to the entire province. We thank You for giving him the courage, wisdom, strength and insight needed to face all of the challenges along the way. May you continue to lead and guide him. We pray that during this next season he will sense You more than ever as a near and real presence in his life. Grant him and his entire family a joyous summer of refreshing and renewal. In the mighty name of Jesus we ask this. Amen John Les is currently the Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier. He previously served as Parliamentary Secretary for HST Information to the Minister of Finance.
John was re-elected as MLA to represent the new riding of Chilliwack in the spring of 2009. He has also served as Solicitor General, and Minister of Small Business and Economic Development.
Mr. Les was first elected to represent the riding of Chilliwack-Sumas in 2001 and re-elected in 2005.
He served as Government Caucus Chair, and also chaired the Legislative Special Committee on the Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform. Mr. Les has served on the Government Caucus Committee on Economy and Government Operations, as well as the Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations. He has also been chair of the Select Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, and was formerly a member of the Select Standing Committee on Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders and Private Bills.
Before being elected to the Legislative Assembly, Mr. Les served for three years as a Chilliwack municipal councillor before he became Mayor from 1987 to 1999. During his 13 years as Mayor, he served on a number of bodies, including Chair of the Fraser Valley Regional District; Trustee of the Municipal Finance Authority of B.C.; Director of Union of BC Municipalities; and President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.
In his private business career, Mr. Les was a partner in a Chilliwack dairy operation, an award-winning realtor, as well as the owner of a successful land development company
Mr. Les is an Honorary Rotarian, who was awarded the Paul Harris Fellowship in recognition of his exemplary community service, by the Rotary Club of Chilliwack.
Mr. Les and his wife Mattie live in Chilliwack and have six children and 15 grandchildren.
Lord Jesus, we are blessed to have dedicated legislators like MLA: Hon: Blair Lekstrom to give leadership to our government here in our awesome province. We give You thanks for his commitment to his constituents in Peace River South. As a lifelong resident of Dawson Creek we trust that You will continue to provide him with the wisdom and strength he requires to represent the interests of all those in the northern part of British Columbia. We also pray that the broad knowledge he has of our transportation systems, province wide, will serve him well in his role as Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. May You keep him in good health and provide him with times of refreshing with those who are close to him this summer. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.
Blair Lekstrom was appointed Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure on March 14, 2011. His previous cabinet positions include Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources and Minister of Community Development.
As a lifelong resident of Dawson Creek in Northern British Columbia, Minister Lekstrom was first elected as a Member of the Legislative Assembly for the Peace River South riding in 2001. He has since been re-elected three times, most recently in 2009.
Minister Lekstrom has always been active in his community, and before becoming a member of the provincial government, he served as Mayor of the City of Dawson Creek. He was elected to this position in 1996, after serving three years as a city councillor.
"Teach me O Lord, the way of Your Statutes." Psalm 119:33. Our gracious, eternal heavenly Father this day we bring to Your attention MLA: Richard Lee, who for over a decade has served the citizens of British Columbia in general and in particular his constituents in Burnaby North. This man of considerable education and talents has given unstintingly of his time and intellect. So we pray for him much wisdom and patience as he continues on the path that has been set before him. Lord make straight that path and bless him with bountiful insight and graciousness. In the name of our Lord and Saviour grant him favour and that measure of strength he will need to overcome any tumultuous times that may lie ahead. We pray protection and good health on his wife and children and may they be a good support to Richard and vice versa. Amen and Amen.
Richard T. Lee was first elected as the MLA for the riding of Burnaby North in 2001 and was re-elected in May 2005 and 2009. He was appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Asia-Pacific on September 26, 2011.
Currently, Richard also serves as member of the Cabinet Committee on Open Government and Engagement, the Legislative Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth, LSSC on Health and LSSC on Legislative Initiatives.
Previously, Richard served as Parliamentary Secretary for Multiculturalism (2011) and Parliamentary Secretary for the Asia-Pacific Initiative (2005-2011), Vice Chair of the Legislative Special Committee to Appoint a Merit Commissioner and Chair of Government Caucus Asian Economic Development Committee.
He was also a member of the Cabinet Committee on Climate Action and Clean Energy, the Legislative Select Standing Committee on Education, the LSSC on Public Accounts, the LSSC on Finance and Government Services, the Legislative Special Committee to Review the Police Complaint Process, the LSC to Appoint a Police Complaint Commissioner, the Government Caucus Committee on Economy and Government Operations and the GCC on Multiculturalism and Diversity.
Before being elected to the Legislature, Richard was a programmer analyst at TRIUMF, Canada's national particle research facility. In 1976 he earned a Combined Honours Bachelor of Science degree from UBC in physics and mathematics, and in 1980 a Masters of Science from UBC in Applied Mathematics. While studying, Richard worked as a research assistant from 1975 to 1977 and then as a teaching assistant from 1977 to 1979 with the Department of Mathematics at UBC. From 1979 to 1982 he worked as a programmer at TRIUMF and in 1982 became a programmer analyst. Richard attended the United States Particle Accelerator School at Berkeley in 1989 and once again in 1990 at Harvard University.
Richard's community service included: British Columbia Heritage Language Association director; Burnaby District Parents’ Advisory Council member, Burnaby Chinese Parents Association vice-president; Burnaby Multicultural Society director; Burnaby Voters Non-Partisan Association director and Civic Education Society director.
In 1971, Richard moved to British Columbia, where his grandfather settled in 1913. He and his wife Anne married in 1986 and have lived in Burnaby since then. They have three children.
Give me understanding, and I shall keep Your law: Indeed I shall observe it with my whole heart." Psalm 119:34 (NKJV). Our prayer rises heavenward today as we seek blessing and guidance for MLA: Harry Lali who has for a dozen or more years laboured unreservedly for the benefit of the people of British Columbia. He has come from half way around the world and become a proud citizen of this great land of Canada and demonstrates his love for this bountiful place by his dedication and service to the people of his adopted land. We pray for guidance, fortitude and sincerity of purpose as he endeavours to serve with distinction both in the legislature and in the riding he represents. We pray also for blessing on his good wife and children as they too play such and important part in supporting him both in the home and when he is in the legislature. We leave this good man in your care Lord. Strengthen him for the busy schedules that confront him endlessly day to day. Thank you Lord of eternity for considering our prayers for MLA: Lali and all of our MLA's. Amen.
Harry Lali served as Minister of Transportation and Highways from February, 1998, to February, 2001. He was the longest serving NDP Highways Minister in British Columbia. Previously, Harry served as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Forests from June, 1996, to February, 1998.
Harry serves as opposition critic for community and rural development.
In 1988, Harry was elected City Councillor in Merritt for one term. In 1991, Harry was elected Member of the Legislative Assembly for Yale-Lillooet, re-elected M.L.A. in 1996, and 2005. He was elected to a fourth term on May 12, 2009.
Harry is 51 years old and was born in Jullundur District, Punjab, and currently lives in Merritt. He was educated at the University of Victoria and the University of British Columbia, where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and South Asia Area Studies. Harry is the founder of the group that established the Chair of Punjabi and Sikh Studies at the University of British Columbia.
Before his election to the Legislature, Harry was an Employment Counsellor for the federally-sponsored Merritt Outreach Program from 1986 – 1991. He has also worked at MOSAIC in Vancouver. Harry is a former member of the IWA Local 1-417 when he spent 11 summers working in the sawmill industry in Interior B.C. Harry is also a former co-owner of a sporting goods store.
From 2001 – 2006 Harry owned his own business that was involved in international development and technology transfer to developing countries, namely in the field of environmental technologies and power generation.
Harry and his wife, Rani, are the proud parents of two sons and one daughter.
"Through wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established." Proverbs 24:3. Our Heavenly Father, gracious and true, to You we raise our hands and hearts in prayer for MLA: Hon. Dr. Terry Lake who is an elected member of our legislature. Lord, His needs may be many in sorting through the complications of the Legislature. We ask You for extraordinary guidance for this good man who has been so generous over many years with his time and talents. May he sense the Divine Hand of God leading him to good and wise decisions. Prepare his heart for any trying days that may lie ahead. Bless his family as they journey along with him and may they realize how important they are to him. Again in Jesus blessed name, we pray. Amen and Amen.
Terry Lake is MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson and Minister of Environment.
Previously, he was the Parliamentary Secretary for Health Promotion to the Minister of Health Services. He also served as Parliamentary Secretary for the Ranching Task Force to the Minister of Agriculture and Lands. He was elected MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson on May 12, 2009.
Terry also served on the Selecting Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, on Health, and on Legislative Initiatives. He was also a member of the Early Childhood Education Innovations Committee.
A veterinarian by profession, Terry served as the Mayor of the City of Kamloops from 2005-2008 and as a city councillor from 2002-2005, a time when Kamloops reached record employment and construction and was recognized for service to residents by the National Quality Institute.
Terry is a recipient of the BC Veterinary Medical Association Award of Merit for service to the profession and has served as Vice President of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association and Vice President of the Union of BC Municipalities. He was a member of the BC Transit Board of Directors for three years when transit service increased dramatically in Kamloops.
Community service has long been a part of Terry’s life whether serving as president of the Coquitlam Rotary Club in the 1990s or as president of the Kamloops Recreational Soccer League. One of his most rewarding experiences was traveling with Developing World Connections to Tangalle, Sri Lanka in 2008 to assist with tsunami relief.
Terry and his wife Lisa have three daughters, a dog and a cat.
Lord, it is a privilege to come before You and pray for the men and women who serve our Province as members of the Legislative Assembly. We thank You for MLA: Jenny Kwan and the important part she plays as she represents the people of Vancouver-Mount Pleasant. Give her many opportunities this summer to listen to the needs of her constituents. Give her wisdom and discretion in her role as opposition critic for Jobs, Economic Development and Trade and provide her with the opportunity to really make a difference in the lives of British Columbians. Bless her and her family with times of fun and relaxation. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Jenny Kwan was first elected as the MLA for Vancouver - Mount Pleasant in 1996, becoming one of the first Chinese-Canadians to sit in BC's Legislative Assembly and the first Chinese Canadian Cabinet Minister in the history of B.C. She was re-elected in 2001, 2005 and again on May 12, 2009.
Jenny serves as opposition critic for Jobs, Economic Development and Trade.
Born in Hong Kong, Jenny Wai Ching Kwan immigrated to Canada with her family when she was nine years old.
She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Criminology) from Simon Fraser University. Jenny began working as a community legal advocate in the Downtown Eastside shortly after graduation.
Jenny was elected to Vancouver City Council in 1993 --becoming the youngest councillor in Vancouver’s history -- and served for three years as the sole representative of Vancouver's progressive municipal political party, COPE.
In 1998 Jenny was appointed Minister of Municipal Affairs, becoming BC's first Chinese-Canadian cabinet minister. Jenny also served as Minister of Women's Equality and Minister of Community Development, Cooperatives and Volunteers and was the provincial government’s lead person in developing the Vancouver Agreement.
Jenny is married and lives in East Vancouver with her husband, daughter, son and stepson.
Lord, we want to take the opportunity to thank You for MLA: Kevin Krueger and his many years of service to the people of Kamloops-South Thompson and all of British Columbia. Thank You for his passion and his integrity. We ask that You will continue to be his guide and his strength. Open his eyes to new opportunities and direct his path. May this summer be a time of refreshing and rest for him and his family. Keep them safe while they travel and fill their days full of love and laughter. Bless him as he moves into new or additional areas of work and service. Amen.
Kevin Krueger is MLA for Kamloops-South Thompson and also serves on the Cabinet Committee on Open Government and Engagement.
Previously, he has served as the Minister of Social Development, Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts and was re-elected as MLA for Kamloops-South Thompson on May 12, 2009. Prior to the 2009 election, he served as Minister of Community Development and Minister of Small Business and Revenue and Minister Responsible for Regulatory Reform and Minister of State for Mining.
Kevin Krueger was re-elected as MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson in 2005 after being elected in 1996 and re-elected in 2001.
While in Opposition, Kevin served as the BC Liberal Critic for Labour. He was Caucus Whip as well as a member of the Select Standing Committee on Education. Kevin was named to the Legislative Standing Committees for Committee of Selection and the Special Committee for the Citizen’s Assembly on Electoral Reform. He was also a member of the Legislative Assembly Management Committee. He previously was a member of the Small Scale Salvage Committee.
Before becoming an MLA, Kevin worked with the Insurance Corporation of BC for 20 years, and at the time of his departure was a road safety regional manager.
His community work includes the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce, Kamloops Community Counterattack Committee, Rotary Club past-president, coordinator with the Heart and Stroke Foundation, and secretary of the Protocol Committee for the 1993 Canada Summer Games. He arranged the twinning of the Rotary Clubs of Kamloops and Uji, Japan. He is a former board member, executive councillor and shop steward of the Office and Technical Employees Union, Local 378. He was a director of the Prince George & District Credit Union.
Kevin and his wife Debbie, a school teacher, have six children, including two daughters-in-law and a son-in-law. They are the proud grandparents of seven children.
Father, we are blessed in British Columbia to be served by people with wisdom and integrity and we thank You for MLA: Leonard Krog and his commitment to serve his constituents in Nanaimo and the people of British Columbia. We ask that You will continue to give him insight into the issues before the government as they review and draft legislation and give him many opportunities to have his voice heard as opposition critic for the Attorney General. Bless him and his family this summer and give them times of refreshing. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Leonard Krog was re-elected as the MLA for Nanaimo on May 12, 2009.
Leonard serves as opposition critic for the Attorney General.
Born in Nanaimo and raised in Coombs, Leonard served as MLA for Parksville-Qualicum from 1991 to 1996.
Since 1980, Leonard has been a practicing lawyer in a Nanaimo law firm, most recently with his wife Sharon.
In addition , Leonard has served as the director and president of the Mid-Island Consumer Services Co-operative, chair of the United Way for Nanaimo and District, director of the Nanaimo City Centre Association, president of the Nanaimo City Bar Association, director and president of the Planned Parenthood Association's Nanaimo Branch, a member and supporter of Amnesty International and Lawyers for Social Responsibility.
Leonard and his wife Sharon live in Nanaimo. They have two children, Jessica and Parker, and two grandchildren, Portia and Archer.
We thank You Lord for MLA: Maurine Karagianis and her many years of service to the people in the Victoria area. We pray for wisdom, strength, and understanding as she faces the challenges that are before us in the coming year. We ask for a blessing upon her and her family including her children and grandchildren. May she experience peace this day especially and be strengthened as we pray for her. May she also find rest and relaxation this summer and be refreshed in body, soul and spirit. We ask this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Maurine Karagianis was elected MLA for Esquimalt-Metchosin on May 17, 2005, and re-elected to the reconfigured riding of Esquimalt-Royal Roads on May 12, 2009.
Maurine serves as official opposition caucus Whip.
She was elected to Esquimalt Council in 1996. Serving for three terms, Maurine helped create and chaired the CRD Arts Committee, and by working to save the Matson Gary Oak meadow in the Inner Harbour and daylighting the Gorge Creek helped enrich green space and renew bird habitat in Esquimalt.
A long-standing Director of the Veins of Life Watershed Society, Maurine has worked in support of environmental stewardship for the Gorge Waterway and watershed protection in the Capital Region.
She worked in the fashion industry for over 15 years, in retail, wholesale and import/export, and also spent more than a decade working in the communications industry for the tourism market and international motorcycle industry.
Maurine ran a consulting firm that worked with non-profit organizations and First Nations communities to create affordable housing. Her career has also included working for the provincial Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Social Services.
A proud mother and grandmother, Maurine lives with her partner in Esquimalt.
Father we are thankful for MLA: Carol James and her willingness over the years to serve the people of our great province. We ask that You would continually hold her up in good health and may she experience Your blessings and favour upon her life each day. May she feel encouraged even when the "going seems tough". Bless her as we enter this summer season and as she takes time off. May she find herself refreshed and strengthened by You. Bless her family and give them strength. In Jesus name we ask these things. Amen.
Carole has served as the MLA for Victoria-Beacon Hill since 2005.
Prior to entering provincial politics, Carole served as President of the B.C. School Trustees Association for an unprecedented five terms, commencing in 1995.
She was elected to the Greater Victoria School Board from 1990 to 2001. She has also served at the national level as the Vice-President of the Canadian School Boards Association.
Carole has been appointed to numerous provincial initiatives, including the Independent B.C. Budget Review Panel, the Public Education Restructuring Consultation, the Ministry of Children and Families Secure Care Committee.
In addition to serving a two-year term as the Director of Child Care Policy for the government of British Columbia, she has served on the Greater Victoria Region Social Planning Council, the City of Victoria Parks and Recreation Committee, and the Task Force on Violence Prevention.
In recognition of her work in the area of co-operative pre-schools, she was named an Honorary Life Member of the Vancouver Island Co-operative Pre-School Association.
In 2001, Carole moved to Prince George to serve as the Director of Child and Family Services for Carrier Sekani Family Services. As part of her management responsibilities, she coordinated the planning for regionalization of child and family services from the Ministry of Children and Families to an Aboriginal Authority.
Carole is the mother of two children, Alison and Evan. She was also a foster parent for 20 years, giving care to children and adults with special needs.
We ask Lord that You would bless MLA: Vicki Huntington, today especially. We give thanks for her many years of faithful service at all levels of government. Give her wisdom and understanding as she brings leadership to the people of Delta South and the issues that are being dealt with in that riding. As we enter the summer break in the legislature, we ask that she would be refreshed and would be able to take a break from the daily routine. Again, we ask today for Your blessing to be on her life. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Victoria (Vicki) Huntington is a native of Vancouver, BC and has a degree in Political Science from the University of British Columbia. Much of her early career was spent in Ottawa with the federal government. More recently, she served as an elected Councillor for the Municipality of Delta, BC.
For most of the 1970s, Vicki worked with the RCMP Security Service, beginning as a civilian member and later a Special Constable (Investigator) in the force. In preparation for this position, she was commissioned as a 1st Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Intelligence Corps (Res).
Vicki served as Band Manager for the Gitanmaax Indian Reserve in Hazelton, BC. First-hand knowledge and understanding gained in this capacity was invaluable in her later work with the federal Minister of Indian Affairs & Northern Development; Nisga’a Task Group; and as Vice Chair of the Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee and its representative on the Provincial Treaty Negotiating Team.
During a number of years in Ottawa, Vicki served the Solicitor General of Canada; and the Ministers of both National Revenue and Indian Affairs & Northern Development. She was also involved in various capacities at the federal level with the Progressive Conservative Party. She returned to British Columbia in 1988 as the Director of the Federal Ministers’ Regional Offices in Vancouver.
Vicki has shown a particular interest in environmental matters. In this regard, she received an award from the Delta Farmland and Wildlife Trust for exceptional service.
A resident of Ladner (Delta), British Columbia, Vicki was first elected in 1993 to Delta Municipal Council and returned to Council at or near the top of the polls in the four subsequent municipal elections. She declined to run again in 2008.
Vicki was elected as an Independent MLA for Delta South in May 2009.
Father we thank You for MLA: Douglas Horne. Father You have positioned him specifically to stand in his place of authority to bring about all of Your plans and purposes as he fulfills all of those roles that You have him in. We thank You that Your blessing, Your favor and Your wisdom will rain upon him and his family. May he walk in Your fresh revelation and peace as he continues to move forward into this year. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen
Douglas Horne was elected as the MLA for the electoral district of Coquitlam-Burke Mountain in May, 2009. He is currently Deputy Chair of the Committee of the Whole (Chair – Committee of Supply), a Member of the Executive Council’s Legislative Review Committee, the Deputy Chair of the Select Standing Committee for Public Accounts, a Member of the Select Standing Committee for Children and Youth, and Chair of the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services.
In addition, Douglas was previously a Member of the Provincial Treasury Board, a Member of the B.C. Local Government Elections Task Force, a Member of the Special Committee to Review the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and a Member of the Special Committee to Appoint a Merit Commissioner.
Douglas has been active in federal, provincial and civic politics for many years. While working in Ottawa, he served as a Special Assistant to a former federal Minister, and as a Special Assistant to the former Speaker of the House of Commons, The Honourable John Fraser.
Before entering politics, Douglas was Managing Director – Corporate & CEO of Maple Leaf Studios Ltd. This leading international design and production studio has created innovative and engaging experiences for international themed attractions, World Fairs & Expos, visitor centres and destination resorts. Douglas was instrumental in the success of British Columbia – Canada Place (the log house) during the 2006 Winter Games in Torino, Italy. In addition, Douglas worked with Russian business leaders and the City of Sochi on their successful bid to host the 2014 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. As well, Maple Leaf Studios and its partner, Shanghai Art-Design (a member of the Shanghai Media Group) were selected by Shanghai Expo 2010 for the central theme pavilions preliminary design competition.
Doug has lived in Coquitlam on Westwood Plateau with his wife and two children since 1996.
Father God, we thank You for MLA: Rob Howard and pray that You would cover him with Your strength, courage and joy. May he realize how much You care for him. Help him to accomplish every detail of those things that are on his heart to accomplish for his constituents of Richmond Centre. We also pray that Your rich blessing and wisdom would surround him and that he would know that You have prepared and ordained every step that is before him. Amen.
Rob Howard was elected as the MLA for Richmond Centre in 2009.
Rob is currently the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transportation with a specific focus on air services agreements. He also serves as a member of the Cabinet Committee on Jobs and Economic Growth.
Rob was born and raised in Richmond and has raised his son Justin here with his wife Trudy. Rob ran his own business, a commercial real estate and seniors’ home management company, prior to becoming an MLA. He has also been involved in many aspects of Richmond life, including a twelve-year involvement with the Richmond Minor Hockey Association.
Rob is a past president of Tourism Richmond, and he has served on the Board of the Richmond Caring Place Society. Rob was also co-chair of the Vancouver Chapter of the Real Estate Institute of British Columbia and is a long-time member of the Richmond Chamber of Commerce.
Rob served as a councillor for the City of Richmond for seven years (2001-2008). During his time on Richmond City Council, he served as the chair of the Finance Committee, as well as the Community Safety and the Public Works and Transportation Committees. Rob was also the Council representative to the Economic Advisory Committee, the Heritage Commission, the Richmond Safe Communities Alliance, the Richmond Sister City Committee, the Minoru Seniors Society, and the Olympic Oval Building Committee.
Rob served as council liaison to the RAV Rapid Transit Task Force, the Economic Development Task Force and Blue Ribbon Business Round Table. Rob also served as a director on the Board of the Lower Mainland Local Government Association.
Provincially, Rob has served on the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts and the Special Committee to Appoint an Information and Privacy Commissioner. He also served on the Special Committee to Appoint a Representative for Children and Youth and the Special Committee to Appoint an Ombudsperson.
Rob served as the chair of the Select Standing Committee on Finance & Government Services for the pre-budget consultation talk for Budget 2012.