May You give him wise and strong leadership, to execute with excellence, the challenging demands of our health system.
We pray, You will surround him with a dedicated, skilled, capable and dependable staff, to strongly support him , that will carry out their responsibilities with integrity and faithfulness.
We ask that You will bless him with clear vision,and sound judgement, to seek for workable solutions and implement necessary changes, so vital to this portfolio.
We pray especially he will be abundantly blessed with good health, body , soul and spirit. Amen!
Kevin Falcon was appointed Minister of Health Services on June 10, 2009.
Kevin Falcon was first elected in 2001 to represent the riding of Surrey-Cloverdale, and was re-elected in 2005 and 2009. Kevin Falcon was previously appointed Minister of Transportation on January 26, 2004. He initially served as Minister of State for De-regulation.
Kevin Falcon was appointed Minister of Transportation on January 26, 2004.
As well, Minister Falcon has previously overseen a capital program that includes the Kicking Horse Canyon, the Sea to Sky Highway and the William Bennett Bridge, among many others.
Minister Falcon's leadership recently earned him recognition in Vancouver Magazine's annual ranking of the city's 50 most influential leaders.
Before his election to the Legislative Assembly in 2001, Kevin Falcon was president of Access Group, a corporate communications firm he founded in 1998. He has also worked in the real estate development industry and was vice-president of Northwest Investment Properties. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Simon Fraser University, and his real estate education at the University of British Columbia.
Mr. Falcon has been active with his local Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club. He is a past director of the Vancouver Sea Festival, past-president of the Vancouver Junior Chamber of Commerce, and a former volunteer with the Cloverdale RCMP Bike Patrol.
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