We ask, Lord, that you will fill his mind with wisdom, that he may use his background knowledge and his ability to bring new ideas into focus, to bring great prosperity to the region he is representing.
You have given us our forests, Father, and for them we are truly grateful. We ask that they will be managed and harvested wisely for the good of all people in our Province.
You have also raised John to be a member of several Select Standing Committees with social and financial applications.
We pray for his family and his riding, that they may prosper at this time and be blessed because of your hand on this man. We pray all this in the great Name of Jesus. Amen.
John Rustad was re-elected to represent the newly redistributed riding of Nechako Lakes on May 12, 2009, and was appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Silviculture to the Minister of Forests and Range on June 10, 2009. He was previously elected as MLA for the riding of Prince George-Omineca in the 2005 provincial election.
John currently co-chairs the Farm Assessment Review Panel and has chaired the Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations, the Select Standing Committee to Appoint a Police Complaint Commissioner and the Government Caucus Committee on Social Development. He was also a member of the Select Standing Committee on Children and Youth, the Select Standing Committee on Education, the Selection Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services and the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts.
Since 2005, John has chaired the Northern Caucus of B.C. and has toured extensively throughout the North to listen and bring forward issues that affect those communities. He is also a chair of B.C.’s Outdoor Caucus and government representative to PNWER (Pacific Northwest Economic Region).
Born and raised in Prince George, John has worked in the forest industry for more than 20 years. He formed Western Geographic Information Systems Inc. in 1995, offering a consulting service to the forest industry. Previously he was the Geographic Information Systems department manager for Timberline Forest Inventory Consultants in Prince George. John also owns a woodlot license and has been involved in land development projects.
Elected as a school trustee in 2002, John has worked on innovative projects throughout the district, including the South Fort George Family Resource Centre, a project designed to combine social services from a variety of agencies. John also championed the renovation and expansion of the College Heights Secondary School (CHSS) through a self-financed project; and advocated for the new Trade and Technical Program of Excellence for Grade 10-12 students and the Healthy Choices Committee designed to promote healthy choices in diet and exercise within schools.
John and his wife Kim were married in 1995. John is an avid soccer player and he and Kim enjoy theatre, golf, skiing and the outdoors.
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