Dear Lord we come
to Your throne of grace to pray for MLA Mable Elmore. May she be keenly aware
of Your presence, leading and guiding her daily into Your wisdom and grace
We thank You for her willingness to serve and represent the people of BC and make a difference ,particularly to her constituents in Vancouver - Kensington and in her role as Opposition Critic for Multiculturalism, Child Care and Early Learning.
Keep her safe and
well, we pray in Jesus precious Name. Amen
Mable Elmore was elected MLA for Vancouver-Kensington on May 12, 2009.
Mable serves as opposition critic for Multiculturalism, Child Care and Early Learning.
Mable has been a transit operator for 10 years, driving a bus in Metro Vancouver while taking a role in her union, the Canadian Auto Workers Local 111, where she coordinated the "More Buses Now" campaign to improve public bus transit.
Mable is a second generation Filipino-Canadian who has also been active in the peace movement and on immigrant, social justice, women's and gay, lesbian and transgendered issues.
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