Monday, November 3, 2008

Victoria Prayer Gathering

We held our Victoria Prayer Gathering for the Civic Election last night. We had about 45 people come together to pray and worship with us. It was a great night with a room full of people who wanted and knew how to pray. I was tremendously blessed to have 6 pastors with us for the evening. It's important to me that we are doing this in partnership with the local church rather than trying to build something that isn't connected to it in some way.

One participant shared something really interesting last night. As we were praying, he made the comment that this might be the first time that someone has prayed for these people in this way and how it was so rewarding for him to be a part of that moment. It was rewarding to be there and to provide an opportunity for believers to pray for those who will serve our communities as mayors, councilors and school trustees.

I believe that God is in this and that something incredible will come as we continue to pray all across our province. There are only 12 days left until the Civic Election and we'd love to have you join with us as we ask God to use this election for His purposes for our communities and schools. If you'd like to be a part of what we are doing, go to to register for our daily email blast. Be a part of the miracle!

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