Tuesday, November 23, 2010

MLA Richard T. Lee Member for Burnaby North

We are very thankful for the cultural diversity that exists in our province. You have prepared Mr. Lee to serve his constituents as an advocate and a leader. Help him to excel in this avenue of service in the same way that he has excelled prior to entering politics. Give him tremendous favour within his community and within his caucus so that the needs and concerns of his constituents can be heard and well cared for.  Let your blessing be upon him and his family today.
 We ask this in Jesus Name, Amen.

Richard T. Lee was first elected as the MLA for the riding of Burnaby North in 2001 and was re-elected to his third term in the May 2009 provincial general election. He was appointed Parliamentary Secretary for the Asia-Pacific Initiative on June 16, 2005.

Currently, Richard also serves as a member of the Legislative Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts, Select Standing Committee on Legislative Initiatives and a member of the Select Standing Committee on Education.

Previously, Richard also served as member of the Legislative Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services, the Legislative Special Committee to Review the Police Complaint Process, the Special Committee to Appoint a Police Complaint Commissioner, Vice-chair of the Special Committee to Appoint a Merit Commissioner, the Government Caucus Committee on Economy and Government Operations, the Government Caucus Multicultural Committee and as Chair of the Government Caucus Asian Economic Development Committee.

Before being elected to the Legislature, Richard was a programmer analyst at TRIUMF, Canada's national particle research facility. In 1976, he earned a Combined Honours Bachelor of Science degree from UBC in physics and mathematics and in 1980 a Masters of Science from UBC in Applied Mathematics. While studying, Richard worked as a research assistant from 1975 to 1977 and then as a teaching assistant from 1977 to 1979 with the Department of Mathematics at UBC. From 1979 to 1982 he worked as a programmer at TRIUMF and in 1982 became a programmer analyst. Richard attended the United States Particle Accelerator School at Berkeley in 1989 and once again in 1990 at Harvard University.

In 1971 Richard moved to British Columbia where his grandfather settled since 1913. He and his wife Anne married in 1986 and have lived in Burnaby since then. They have three children.

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