Wednesday, March 30, 2011

MLA Norm Letnick Member for Kelowna-Lake Country

Thank You God for Norm Letnick. Thank You for his leadership in many areas in parliament. Lord, please be close to Norm and may he feel Your presence. Guide his hands and mind as he continues to serve Kelowna - Lake Country.

Norm was elected as MLA for Kelowna-Lake Country on May 12, 2009 in the provincial general election.

Norm serves on the Legislative Review Committee. Previously, he was the Chair of the Select Standing Committee on Parliamentary Reform, Ethical Conduct, Standing Orders, and private Bills – and was on the Select Standing Committees on Public Accounts, as well as Finance and Government Services. He is also the President, Francophone Parliamentary Assembly, B.C. Section.

His previous community involvement includes serving on Kelowna City Council from 2005-2008, sitting on the council of St. Charles Garnier Parish and serving as president of the Kelowna Gyro Club. Norm continues to be an active member of the Gyro Club, as well as the Kelowna Rotary Club. Norm also founded the Snow Buddy program in Kelowna, which matches able-bodied volunteers with seniors who require assistance to keep their walkways and sidewalks clear of snow and ice.

As a City Councilor, Norm served on the Housing Committee; the Downtown Entertainment District Task Force; the Parks, Recreation, and Culture Task Forces; and as chair of the city’s Affordable and Special Needs Housing Task Force.

As well, Norm represented the central Okanagan on the province’s single business license implementation committee which resulted in reduced cost and red tape for mobile businesses throughout the Okanagan/Similkameen, and he worked as the selection process leader on the City of Kelowna’s Roads Task Force which recommended transportation network access improvements to the new W. R. Bennett Bridge.

Before moving to Kelowna, Norm lived in Banff and owned two H&R Block franchises, a Motorola dealership, and a computer store. He served on the Banff Tourism Bureau, as president of the Banff Rotary Club, secretary/treasurer of the Banff Shine Club, and was chairman of both the Banff Hospital Board and Municipal Planning Commission. Norm also served the Banff community as a city councilor, first elected in 1992 and re-elected in 1995. He was also president of the Banff Housing Corporation developing over $20 million in affordable housing.

Before entering public life, Norm was a tenured Associate Professor in the business program at Okanagan University College. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Calgary, a Master of Business Administration degree from Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, and is currently working toward a Ph.D. in health economics at UBC Okanagan, focusing on international research to improve health care for British Columbians.

Norm was the 2009 recipient of the Canadian Cancer Society’s Regional Community Champion Award for his work with the Gala of Hope helping to fund raise $624,000 over three years.

He is bilingual in English and French, enjoys sports, reading, good movies and helping others reach their full potential. He and his wife Helene have three children.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

MLA Richard T. Lee Member for Burnaby North

God, who placed the stars in their paths and spoke life into being, we bring to you Richard T. Lee. We ask that You guide him and give him wisdom to write into the equation of his life all that You have set out for him to do. We thank You for his service to the people of this great province and we ask that You bless him as he continues to see justice and prosperity for his people. Please keep him and his wife and children in good health and bless their home with harmony and security.

Richard T. Lee was first elected as the MLA for the riding of Burnaby North in 2001 and was re-elected to his third term in the May 2009 provincial general election. Richard was appointed Parliamentary Secretary for Multiculturalism to the Minister of Social Development on March 14, 2011.

Currently, Richard also serves as a member of the Cabinet Committee on Open Government and Engagement.

Previously, Richard served as Parliamentary Secretary for the Asia-Pacific Initiative, from June 16, 2005 to March 14, 2011. He also served as a member of the Legislative Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts, Select Standing Committee on Legislative Initiatives and a member of the Select Standing Committee on Education.

Prior to that, Richard served as member of the Legislative Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services, the Legislative Special Committee to Review the Police Complaint Process, the Special Committee to Appoint a Police Complaint Commissioner, Vice-chair of the Special Committee to Appoint a Merit Commissioner, the Government Caucus Committee on Economy and Government Operations, the Government Caucus Multicultural Committee and as Chair of the Government Caucus Asian Economic Development Committee.

Before being elected to the Legislature, Richard was a programmer analyst at TRIUMF, Canada's national particle research facility. In 1976, he earned a Combined Honours Bachelor of Science degree from UBC in physics and mathematics and in 1980 a Masters of Science from UBC in Applied Mathematics. While studying, Richard worked as a research assistant from 1975 to 1977 and then as a teaching assistant from 1977 to 1979 with the Department of Mathematics at UBC. From 1979 to 1982 he worked as a programmer at TRIUMF and in 1982 became a programmer analyst. Richard attended the United States Particle Accelerator School at Berkeley in 1989 and once again in 1990 at Harvard University.

In 1971 Richard moved to British Columbia where his grandfather settled since 1913. He and his wife Anne married in 1986 and have lived in Burnaby since then. They have three children.

Monday, March 28, 2011

MLA Harry Lali Member for Fraser - Nicola

We bring Harry Lali before You and ask your blessing on him as he serves his constituency. Thank you for his willingness to use his resources in the best way he is able. Let him know that you love him Lord and care about everything he does. Be with his family too as they interact together in their homes.

Harry Lali served as Minister of Transportation and Highways from February, 1998, to February, 2001. He was the longest serving NDP Highways Minister in British Columbia. Previously, Harry served as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Forests from June, 1996, to February, 1998.

In 1988, Harry was elected City Councillor in Merritt for one term. In 1991, Harry was elected Member of the Legislative Assembly for Yale-Lillooet, re-elected MLA in 1996, and 2005. He was elected to a fourth term on May 12, 2009.

Harry is 51 years old and was born in Jullundur District, Punjab, and currently lives in Merritt. He was educated at the University of Victoria and the University of British Columbia, where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and South Asia Area Studies. Harry is the founder of the group that established the Chair of Punjabi and Sikh Studies at the University of British Columbia.

Before his election to the Legislature, Harry was an Employment Counsellor for the federally-sponsored Merritt Outreach Program from 1986 – 1991. He has also worked at MOSAIC in Vancouver. Harry is a former member of the IWA Local 1-417 when he spent 11 summers working in the sawmill industry in Interior B.C. Harry is also a former co-owner of a sporting goods store.

From 2001 – 2006 Harry owned his own business that was involved in international development and technology transfer to developing countries, namely in the field of environmental technologies and power generation.

Harry and his wife, Rani, are the proud parents of two sons and one daughter.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

MLA Hon. Dr. Terry Lake Kamloops-North Thompson Minister of Environment

 Gracious Heavenly Father, Your word declares   "In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct Your path." Today we pray this prayer for MLA, Dr. Terry Lake, as he steps into his new role as “Minister of Environment. “ May he trust You, for guidance and direction, to carry out this important assignment with Your wisdom , discernment and grace. We give thanks for his willingness to serve in the Legislature, and pray Your abundant blessings on him and his family, to keep them strong , safe , healthy and happy . We pray in the name of Jesus.

Terry Lake is MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson and Minister of Environment.

 Previously, he was the Parliamentary Secretary for Health Promotion to the Minister of Health Services. He also served as Parliamentary Secretary for the Ranching Task Force to the Minister of Agriculture and Lands. He was elected MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson on May 12, 2009.

Terry also served on the Selecting Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, on Health, and on Legislative Initiatives. He was also a member of the Early Childhood Education Innovations Committee.

A veterinarian by profession, Terry served as the Mayor of the City of Kamloops from 2005-2008 and as a city councillor from 2002-2005, a time when Kamloops reached record employment and construction and was recognized for service to residents by the National Quality Institute.

Terry is a recipient of the BC Veterinary Medical Association Award of Merit for service to the profession and has served as Vice President of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association and Vice President of the Union of BC Municipalities. He was a member of the BC Transit Board of Directors for three years when transit service increased dramatically in Kamloops.

Community service has long been a part of Terry’s life whether serving as president of the Coquitlam Rotary Club in the 1990s or as president of the Kamloops Recreational Soccer League. One of his most rewarding experiences was traveling with Developing World Connections to Tangalle, Sri Lanka in 2008 to assist with tsunami relief.

Terry and his wife Lisa have three daughters, a dog and a cat.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

MLA Jenny Wai Ching Kwan Member for Vancouver - Mount Pleasant

Dearest Heavenly Father, even as Jenny Kwan brings her own unique experiences and perspectives to her role in our government as Opposition Critic for Small Business, Technology and Economic Development and as MLA for Vancouver-Mount Pleasant, we ask that You would direct her path to make the most effective use of her abilities. May You give her clear focus on the tasks set before her and may integrity guide her every decision. May she be willing to serve in whatever way You call her to and may she be strengthened and encouraged as she steps out. Bless her and keep Your hand upon her and her family.

Jenny Kwan was first elected as the MLA for Vancouver - Mount Pleasant in 1996, becoming one of the first Chinese-Canadians to sit in BC's Legislative Assembly and the first Chinese Canadian Cabinet Minister in the history of B.C. She was re-elected in 2001, 2005 and again on May 12, 2009.

Jenny serves as opposition critic for Small Business, Technology and Economic Development.

Born in Hong Kong, Jenny Wai Ching Kwan immigrated to Canada with her family when she was nine years old.

She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Criminology) from Simon Fraser University. Jenny began working as a community legal advocate in the Downtown Eastside shortly after graduation.

Jenny was elected to Vancouver City Council in 1993 --becoming the youngest councillor in Vancouver’s history -- and served for three years as the sole representative of Vancouver's progressive municipal political party, COPE.

In 1998 Jenny was appointed Minister of Municipal Affairs, becoming BC's first Chinese-Canadian cabinet minister. Jenny also served as Minister of Women's Equality and Minister of Community Development, Cooperatives and Volunteers and was the provincial government’s lead person in developing the Vancouver Agreement.

Jenny is married and lives in East Vancouver with her husband, daughter, son and stepson.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

MLA Kevin Krueger Member for Kamloops-South Thompson

Heavenly Father, we pray for MLA Kevin Krueger today.  We thank You for his many years of public service to his constituents and to the people of British Columbia.  We ask today that You would continue to be the source of his strength as he adjusts to a new role within the government.  Help him to serve with great humility and distinction.  Bless his wife and family today as well. We ask this in Jesus' name, Amen

Kevin Krueger is MLA for Kamloops-South Thompson and also serves on the Cabinet Committee on Open Government and Engagement.

Previously, he has served as the Minister of Social Development, Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts and was re-elected as MLA for Kamloops-South Thompson on May 12, 2009. Prior to the 2009 election, he served as Minister of Community Development and Minister of Small Business and Revenue and Minister Responsible for Regulatory Reform and Minister of State for Mining.

Kevin Krueger was re-elected as MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson in 2005 after being elected in 1996 and re-elected in 2001.

While in Opposition, Kevin served as the BC Liberal Critic for Labour. He was Caucus Whip as well as a member of the Select Standing Committee on Education. Kevin was named to the Legislative Standing Committees for Committee of Selection and the Special Committee for the Citizen’s Assembly on Electoral Reform. He was also a member of the Legislative Assembly Management Committee. He previously was a member of the Small Scale Salvage Committee.

Before becoming an MLA, Kevin worked with the Insurance Corporation of BC for 20 years, and at the time of his departure was a road safety regional manager.

His community work includes the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce, Kamloops Community Counterattack Committee, Rotary Club past-president, coordinator with the Heart and Stroke Foundation, and secretary of the Protocol Committee for the 1993 Canada Summer Games. He arranged the twinning of the Rotary Clubs of Kamloops and Uji, Japan. He is a former board member, executive councillor and shop steward of the Office and Technical Employees Union, Local 378. He was a director of the Prince George & District Credit Union.

Kevin and his wife Debbie, a school teacher, have six children, including two daughters-in-law and a son-in-law. They are the proud grandparents of seven children.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

MLA Leonard Krog Member for Nanaimo

Compassionate and almighty God, who sees the needs of the highest and the lowest citizens of the earth, we bring to You Leonard Krog, your servant in Nanaimo. We thank You for his vision for the needy people at home, and the oppressed far away. We ask that You strengthen him as he works to bring justice and prosperity to our province. We pray for peace and security for his home, his wife, children and grandchildren. We ask You to bless his physical and financial health.

Leonard Krog was re-elected as the MLA for Nanaimo on May 12, 2009.

Leonard serves as opposition critic for the Attorney General.

Born in Nanaimo and raised in Coombs, Leonard served as MLA for Parksville-Qualicum from 1991 to 1996.

Since 1980, Leonard has been a practicing lawyer in a Nanaimo law firm, most recently with his wife Sharon.

In addition , Leonard has served as the director and president of the Mid-Island Consumer Services Co-operative, chair of the United Way for Nanaimo and District, director of the Nanaimo City Centre Association, president of the Nanaimo City Bar Association, director and president of the Planned Parenthood Association's Nanaimo Branch, a member and supporter of Amnesty International and Lawyers for Social Responsibility.

Leonard and his wife Sharon live in Nanaimo. They have two children, Jessica and Parker, and two grandchildren, Portia and Archer.

Monday, March 21, 2011

MLA Maurine Karagianis Member for Esquilmalt - Royal Roads

We thank You Lord for MLA Maurine Karagianis's  work as she represents the people of Esquimalt-Royal Roads.  We thank You for her willingness to speak for children and families, and we pray You will give her an awareness of the needs of children, parents, seniors and singles.  May she be guided by a healthy compassion and clear understanding, and may she speak truth that is recognized and acted upon.

Maurine Karagianis was elected MLA for Esquimalt-Metchosin on May 17, 2005, and re-elected to the reconfigured riding of Esquimalt-Royal Roads on May 12, 2009.

Maurine serves as opposition critic for Children, Family Development and Child Care.

She was elected to Esquimalt Council in 1996. Serving for three terms, Maurine helped create and chaired the CRD Arts Committee, and by working to save the Matson Gary Oak meadow in the Inner Harbour and daylighting the Gorge Creek helped enrich green space and renew bird habitat in Esquimalt.

A long-standing Director of the Veins of Life Watershed Society, Maurine has worked in support of environmental stewardship for the Gorge Waterway and watershed protection in the Capital Region.

She worked in the fashion industry for over 15 years, in retail, wholesale and import/export, and also spent more than a decade working in the communications industry for the tourism market and international motorcycle industry.

Maurine ran a consulting firm that worked with non-profit organizations and First Nations communities to create affordable housing. Her career has also included working for the provincial Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of Social Services.

A proud mother and grandmother, Maurine lives with her partner in Esquimalt.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

MLA Carole James Member for Victoria-Beacon Hill

Dearest Heavenly Father, we thank You for the dedication and heart to serve that Carole James, MLA for Victoria- Beacon Hill, has been blessed with. We thank You for the many ways she has stepped out and been willing to serve and the variety of experiences she has gained. Even now, as her path is taking another turn, may You continue to use her as You see fit, and may she sense Your guiding hand leading her to where You need her most. May she feel appreciated, encouraged and refreshed to continue on the journey before her. May Your blessing be upon her.

Carole James was elected as the MLA for Victoria-Beacon Hill in May 2005, and served as the Leader of BC's Official Opposition in the BC Legislature until January 2011.

Carole served as President of the B.C. School Trustees Association for an unprecedented five terms, commencing in 1995.

She was elected to the Greater Victoria School Board from 1990 to 2001. She has also served at the national level as the Vice-President of the Canadian School Boards Association.

Carole has been appointed to numerous provincial initiatives, including the Independent B.C. Budget Review Panel, the Public Education Restructuring Consultation, the Ministry of Children and Families Secure Care Committee.

In addition to serving a two-year term as the Director of Child Care Policy for the government of British Columbia, she has served on the Greater Victoria Region Social Planning Council, the City of Victoria Parks and Recreation Committee, and the Task Force on Violence Prevention.

In recognition of her work in the area of co-operative pre-schools, she was named an Honorary Life Member of the Vancouver Island Co-operative Pre-School Association.

In 2001, Carole moved to Prince George to serve as the Director of Child and Family Services for Carrier Sekani Family Services. As part of her management responsibilities, she coordinated the planning for regionalization of child and family services from the Ministry of Children and Families to an Aboriginal Authority.

In July, 2003, just prior to becoming Leader of the New Democrats, she became Coordinator with the Northern Aboriginal Authority for Families.

Carole is the mother of two children, Alison and Evan. She was also a foster parent for 20 years, giving care to children and adults with special needs.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

MLA Vicki Huntington Member for Delta South

God, our Father in Heaven, we are bringing before You Vicki Huntington MLA for the  South Delta constituency.  We are praying that You bless her and her work of the the people of British Columbia. We thank You for her and pray blessings over her family.  In Jesus name we pray, amen. 

Victoria (Vicki) Huntington is a native of Vancouver, BC and has a degree in Political Science from the University of British Columbia. Much of her early career was spent in Ottawa with the federal government. More recently, she served as an elected Councillor for the Municipality of Delta, BC.

For most of the 1970s, Vicki worked with the RCMP Security Service, beginning as a civilian member and later a Special Constable (Investigator) in the force. In preparation for this position, she was commissioned as a 1st Lieutenant in the Canadian Army Intelligence Corps (Res).

Vicki served as Band Manager for the Gitanmaax Indian Reserve in Hazelton, BC. First-hand knowledge and understanding gained in this capacity was invaluable in her later work with the federal Minister of Indian Affairs & Northern Development; Nisga’a Task Group; and as Vice Chair of the Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee and its representative on the Provincial Treaty Negotiating Team.

During a number of years in Ottawa, Vicki served the Solicitor General of Canada; and the Ministers of both National Revenue and Indian Affairs & Northern Development. She was also involved in various capacities at the federal level with the Progressive Conservative Party. She returned to British Columbia in 1988 as the Director of the Federal Ministers’ Regional Offices in Vancouver.

Vicki has shown a particular interest in environmental matters. In this regard, she received an award from the Delta Farmland and Wildlife Trust for exceptional service.

A resident of Ladner (Delta), British Columbia, Vicki was first elected in 1993 to Delta Municipal Council and returned to Council at or near the top of the polls in the four subsequent municipal elections. She declined to run again in 2008.

Vicki was elected as an Independent MLA for Delta South in May 2009.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

MLA Rob Howard Member for Richmond Centre

We thank You Lord for MLA Rob Howard's  desire to serve his community of Richmond.  We ask You to give him wisdom and insight to know where to place his energy and support so that people of this province are able to provide for their families.  Surround him with good people who are honest, smart, and principled.  Give him compassion for the common man to guide his thoughts and actions.

Rob Howard was elected as the MLA for Richmond Centre in 2009.

Rob has served as President of Tourism Richmond, was co-Chair of the Vancouver chapter of the Real Estate Institute of BC and has served on the board of the Richmond Caring Place Society and the Heritage Commission. During his time on Richmond City Council, he chaired several committees including the Finance and Community Safety Committees.

Rob was the driving force behind the Richmond Airport Vancouver Rapid Transit Task Force and was a strong proponent of the City’s long-term financial plan. During his time as City Councilor, he was also deeply involved in the Asia Pacific Strategy.

Along with his wife Trudy and son Jay, Rob enjoys giving back to the community in which he has spent his life. Together, they have spent 12 years volunteering, assisting, coaching and running tournaments for the Richmond Minor Hockey Association.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

MLA Douglas Horne Member for Coquitlam-Burke Mountain

Everlasting God, who knows the beginning to the end, we ask Your special blessing on MLA Douglas Horne today.  You see his long years of service and his future years as a servant of the people of British Columbia.  We ask that You would give him a creative vision to face the challenges of his portfolio.  We ask for Your blessing on his home and family to enrich them in health and love.  We ask for their security on every side and contentment within.

Douglas Horne was elected as the MLA for the electoral district of Coquitlam-Burke Mountain in May, 2009. He is the Deputy Chair of the Select Standing Committee for Public Accounts and a Member of the Select Standing Committee for Children and Youth. In addition, Douglas was a Member of the B.C. Local Government Elections Task Force, a Member of the Special Committee to Review the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and a Member of the Special Committee to Appoint a Merit Commissioner.

Douglas has been active in federal, provincial and civic politics for many years. While working in Ottawa, he served as a Special Assistant to a former federal Minister, and as a Special Assistant to the former Speaker of the House of Commons, The Honourable John Fraser.

Before entering politics, Douglas was Managing Director – Corporate & CEO of Maple Leaf Studios Ltd. This leading international design and production studio has created innovative and engaging experiences for international themed attractions, World Fairs & Expos, visitor centres and destination resorts. Douglas was instrumental in the success of British Columbia – Canada Place (the log house) during the 2006 Winter Games in Torino, Italy, built to promote the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. In addition, Douglas worked with Russian business leaders and the City of Sochi on their successful bid to host the 2014 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. As well, Maple Leaf Studios and its partner, Shanghai Art-Design (a member of the Shanghai Media Group) were selected by Shanghai Expo 2010 for the central theme pavilions preliminary design competition. Maple Leaf Studios was also contracted to complete a preliminary design for the General Motors Pavilion at Shanghai Expo 2010 during Douglas’s time with the firm.

Doug has lived in Coquitlam on Westwood Plateau with his wife and two children since 1996.

Monday, March 14, 2011

MLA John Horgan Member for Juan de Fuca

We pray for MLA John Horgan today.  We give thanks for his many years of faithful service to the people of his riding.  We ask that You would direct his steps as a possible leader of the Opposition.  We also know his many years of experience in government, makes him no stranger to the personal sacrifice and heavy responsibilities that will be his should he be chosen.  We pray  he will be given wisdom and know Your Divine guidance as he seeks for Your will to be done in his life.  Bless MLA Horgan and his family with Your love, joy and peace.  In Jesus name we pray.

John Horgan was elected as the MLA for Malahat-Juan de Fuca on May 17, 2005, and re-elected to the reconfigured riding of Juan de Fuca on May 12, 2009.

John was born and raised in Victoria.

A former long time public servant, he started his career in Ottawa working in the House of Commons before returning to British Columbia to work for the provincial government. He has also worked in the private sector, running a management and consulting company.

John has a Bachelor of Arts from Trent University and completed his Master of Arts at Sydney University in Australia.

John and his wife Ellie have two sons who attend the University of Victoria.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

MLA Gordon Hogg Member for Surrey-White Rock

Dear Father in Heaven, we bring before You Gordon Hogg MLA for Surrey-White Rock Constituency. We ask You God to bless Mr. Hogg, his work and his family with Your wisdom and with long, healthy life. In Jesus name we pray. Amen

Gordon Hogg was first elected to represent the riding of Surrey-White Rock in a 1997 byelection. He was re-elected in 2001, 2005 and again in 2009.

Gordon is currently a member of the Select Standing Committees on Education, Aboriginal Affairs and Crown Corporations.

Gordon Hogg was appointed Minister of State for Mining on June 23, 2008.

He previously served as Minister of State for ActNow BC and Minister of Children and Family Development.

Mr. Hogg also served as chair of the Government Caucus and was a member of the Legislative Assembly Management Committee. He was also the chair of the Seniors Caucus Committee and has served on the Cabinet Committee for Agenda Development and the Select Standing Committees on Finance and Government Services; Sustainable Aquaculture; Children and Youth; Health and Social Services; Justice; Constitutional Affairs; and Intergovernmental Relations.

Previously, Mr. Hogg served as the Official Opposition Critic for education and human resources and was also a member of the Official Opposition Caucus Committees on Health and Education.

Mr. Hogg was a counsellor, probation officer and regional director for corrections prior to his election to the Legislative Assembly. He received his bachelor of arts in sociology and psychology from the University of British Columbia and his master’s degree in psychology from Antioch College

Mr. Hogg served on White Rock council for 20 years, for 10 of which he was mayor. He has been a board member of more than 15 committees and non-profit societies, including the Peace Arch Community Health Council and Peace Arch District Hospital. He has also been a foster parent and little league coach.

Gordon and his wife, LaVerne, live in White Rock and have one son.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

MLA Kash Heed Member for Vancouver-Fraserview

Dearest Heavenly Father, we bring before You today Kash Heed, MLA for the Vancouver-Fraserview constituency.  We thank You for his passion for law enforcement and the leadership skills You have blessed him with.  We ask that Your hand would be upon him to continue guiding him and to give him clear focus on the role You have called him to.  May he sense You leading and be quick to follow, and may he be invigorated and refreshed in his spirit as he continues to serve the people of this province.  Bless him and keep Your hand upon him and his family. 

Kash Heed was appointed Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General on June 10, 2009.

Minister Heed was elected MLA for Vancouver-Fraserview in the 2009 general provincial election.

Kash graduated from the B.C. Police Academy in 1979 and has spent the past 30 years serving the public in law enforcement.
Kash began his career as an officer with the Vancouver Police Department where he moved through the ranks of Constable, Detective, Sergeant, Inspector and Superintendent. During this same time, he completed his BA and MA at Simon Fraser University part-time.

While Superintendent in charge of the south part of Vancouver, and as an Inspector in the southeast quadrant of Vancouver he created the Gang Violence Task Force.

Heed was also head of the drug squad, led the Indo-Canadian gang task force and launched the COMPSTAT system, using computer technology to track crime.

In 2007, Kash was appointed Chief of the West Vancouver Police Department.

Kash lives in Richmond with his wife and new daughter.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

MLA Dave S.Hayer Member for Surrey-Tynehead

God of peace and reconciliation, we lift up to You our MLA, Dave S. Hayer, who stands in the place between two people groups and seeks peace. We thank You for his dedication and we ask that You give him wisdom and direction in every step he takes. Please keep Your great hand over Dave and his family to bless them with good health and hope for the future as they continue to serve You.

Dave S. Hayer was first elected to the BC Legislature as MLA for the riding of Surrey-Tynehead in the 2001 provincial general election and was re-elected in 2005 and 2009.

Dave was reappointed as Parliamentary Secretary for Multiculturalism on June 10, 2009. In this role, he works closely with the Hon. Ida Chong Minister of Science and Universities and Minister of Regional Economic and Skills Development who is responsible for the Provincial Nominee Program.

Dave previously worked with the Hon. Moira Stillwell when she was Minister of Regional Economic and Skills Development. portfolio.

Dave also worked with the Hon. Mary McNeil when she was the Minister of Citizens' Services and Minister Responsible for Multiculturalism and the Public Affairs Bureau, portfolio as well as with the Hon. Ben Stewart when he was Minister of Citizens’ Services and Multiculturalism. Dave is also a member of the Cabinet Committee on Economy, the Select Standing Committees on Health, Education and Legislative Initiatives as well as helping as Chair of the Committee of Supply.

In January 2007, Dave received a prestigious award from the Government of India. The Pravasi Bharatia Samman Award is annually given to people of Indian heritage, no longer living in India, who have achieved excellence in their chosen fields of endeavour. Dave was presented with the award for his "active leadership in the community, his contributions to public service and for his achievements in government". At the presentation ceremony, Dave was described as a "great friend of India and has been a strong voice in the Indo-Canadian community against terrorism and violence". He was the only Canadian among 15 people from other countries to be given the Pravasi Bharatia Samman Award this year. Dave is only the second Canadian to be presented with this honour. Dave received his award from Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, President of India, at a ceremony in New Delhi, India on January 9, 2007. In 2008 Dave was selected by the Vancouver Sun as one of the 100 top most influential Canadians of South Asian descent making a difference in BC.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

MLA Hon. Randy Hawes Abbotsford-Mission Minister of State for Mining

Thank You Lord for Hon. Randy Hawes  work for the people of BC.  We pray his efforts will have a positive impact on his constituents and colleagues.  May he recognize sound plans and ideas and engage in activities that are excellent and of real value.  Bless his children and grandchildren; may love and faithfulness never leave them, and may they win favor and a good name with all people.

Randy Hawes was re-elected as MLA to represent the new riding of Abbotsford-Mission in the spring of 2009.

Randy was first elected as MLA for Maple Ridge-Mission in 2001 and was re-elected in the May 2005 provincial general election.

Randy was appointed the Minister of State for Mining in June 2009.

Randy has served as Chief Government Whip as appointed by Premier Gordon Campbell, he has chaired the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Service, Chair of the Government Committee on Health, and has been a member of the Legislative Assembly's Select Standing Committee on Health. In addition, he serves on the Legislative Assembly's Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts, the Special Committee to Select a Merit Commissioner and chairs the Burrard Thermal Options Committee. Formerly, Randy was Chair of the Special Committee to Appoint a Chief Electoral Officer, and served on the Government Caucus Committee on Communities and Safety and the Small-Scale Salvage Review committee.

Before becoming an MLA, Randy was in his third term as Mayor of the District of Mission. Randy was also Chair of the Fraser Valley Regional District, a member of the Fraser Valley Treaty Advisory Committee for four years, a four-year member of the James Sewer Treatment Plant Board, and a seven-year member (four as Chair) of the Fraser Valley Water Commission.

Randy started as a loans officer with the Toronto Dominion Bank in 1972 and worked as manager in a variety of locations throughout BC and the Yukon. Because he wanted to stay in Mission, Randy left the TD bank in 1986 to pursue a career in real estate and property development. Randy was elected to a one-year term as a District of Mission councillor in 1987 and became mayor in 1993.

Randy has been an active participant in many aspects of his constituency, including serving for two years on the Mission Community Health Council, five years on the District of Mission Justice Council, and three years on the Ferndale Penitentiary Citizens' Advisory Committee. Randy served as director of the Fraser House, a drug and alcohol treatment facility, was an honourary member of the Royal Canadian Legion's Branch 57, and is a member of the Mission Rotary Club. He also coached minor hockey for 15 years and minor baseball for 10 years in Mission.

Born in Edmonton in 1947, Randy and Alma married in 1969 and moved to Mission in 1979; they have three children and nine grandchildren. Randy's passions are playing golf, reading, and spending time with his grandchildren.

Monday, March 7, 2011

MLA Hon. Colin Hansen Vancouver-Quilchena Minister of Finance and Minister Responsible for Small Business and Deputy Premier Minister of Health Services

We thank You God for Hon. Colin Hansen the MLA for Vancouver-Quilchena who is serving as Minister of Finance and Minister Responsible for Small Business and as Deputy Premier and as Minister of Health Services.  We ask God that You will add strength of body, mind and spirit to this chosen vessel of Yours who is giving of himself to the people of BC in so many ways.  We ask God that You bless him with clarity of vision and a strong sense of purpose and honesty while he continues to serve the people.  Please bless him Lord abundantly.  In Jesus name we pray, amen.

Colin Hansen was re-appointed Minister of Finance and appointed Deputy Premier on June 10, 2009. He previously served as Minister of Economic Development (June 16, 2005 to June 23, 2008), Minister of Health Services (June 5, 2001 to December 14, 2004) and a previous appointment as Minister of Finance (December 15, 2004 to June 15, 2005).

He was first elected in 1996 to represent the electoral district of Vancouver-Quilchena and was re-elected in 2001, 2005 and 2009.

Colin served as health critic for the Official Opposition, as well as the critic for Employment and Investment, and for Labour. He sat on the Select Standing Committees on Crown Corporations and on Economic Development, Science, Labour, Training and Technology.

He also sat on the Official Opposition Caucus Committees on Health and Economy.

Colin received his bachelor of arts in political science from the University of Victoria in 1975. Before his election to the Legislative Assembly, he and his wife Laura owned and operated a small business they established in 1988. Prior to that, he was vice-president of finance and administration for the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada.

Colin served as a director of the Vancouver-Yokohama Sister City Society and chair of the Vancouver Museum board of trustees. Colin and Laura Hansen have two children and live in the Dunbar area of Vancouver-Quilchena.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

MLA Sue Hammell Member for Surrey-Green Timbers

Dear Lord, we pray today for MLA Sue Hammel. We take this opportunity to ask Your blessing on Sue, her husband and family.  We thank You for her many years of service to the people of British Columbia.  Grant her strength and wisdom in these changing times as she continues to serve her constituency of Surrey-Green Timbers, and in her role as Deputy Opposition Critic for Health Services.  In Jesus'name we pray. Amen.

Sue Hammell was re-elected as the MLA for Surrey-Green Timbers on May 12, 2009. She was first elected in 1991, and re-elected in both 1996 and 2005.

Sue serves as opposition critic for Health Services.

Sue has served in a number of cabinet positions during her political career, including Minister of Housing, Recreation and Consumer Services, Minister Responsible for Co-operatives, and the Minister for Women's Equality. In addition, she was Government Caucus Chair and was active on several legislative committees.

Sue is also a founding member of the Minerva Foundation for BC Women, initiated in 1999 to provide funds for projects that will assist women to realize their potential and to create a safe place for them to live and work in British Columbia.

Sue has been working with Washington BC based National Democratic Institute since 2000. With NDI she traveled to the Middle East five times to work with emerging political parties and female candidates.

In 2002 Sue worked with the Surrey Aboriginal Society as their Executive Director. She developed the Society into a modern urban centre for aboriginal people with an annual budget of over 2 million dollars.

Born in Vancouver, Sue was raised on Sea Island in Richmond. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Education from the University of British Columbia, she taught in Verdun, Quebec, in Courtenay and Surrey.

Sue is married and has one grown daughter, Sage. Sue and her husband John have lived in the Surrey Green Timbers area since 1990.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

MLA Guy Genter Member for Delta North

We thank You Lord for a Public Servant with a heart for Your creation.  We ask that You enable the Rt. Hon Gentner to have time with his many other responsibilites to continue to do Your work in this area.  Give him support from his constituents, his family and his colleagues to work according to Your purpose in this province.  Bless him with health, restful nights, energy to spare and congenial relationships to make his day joyful in Your service.  Bless his family with Your peace and protection, in Jesus precious Name.

Guy Gentner was re-elected as the MLA for Delta North on May 12, 2009. He was first elected to the Legislature May 17, 2005.

Guy serves as opposition critic for Intergovernmental Relations.

Guy Gentner served as a Delta Councillor from 1999 to 2005. As chair of the Delta Parks, Recreation and Culture Commission, Guy re-organized the department to include a significant capitalization program for parks, recreation and the arts.

Guy’s efforts as chair of the commission were instrumental in the delivery of an enhanced Sun God Aquatic Centre, Mackie Park Artificial Turf Field, improvements to the Watershed Park and the new Fire Hall Centre for the Arts.

Guy also chaired Delta’s Planning and Environment Committee and Traffic and Safety Committee and served on many municipal committees including Finance, Foreshore and Harbours, Tour de Delta, and the GVRD’s Parks Committee. Guy’s community involvement consists of Delta’s Heritage Advisory Commission, Delta’s Board of Variance and the Delta Arts Council.

Guy helped form the North Delta/Newton Public Hospital Society, and is also a past president of the North Delta Ratepayers Association and former vice-president of the Burns Bog Conservation Society.

Through the mayor’s bog task force, Guy contributed to the negotiating process that helped public purchase of Burns Bog.

Guy graduated from Simon Fraser University, drove a bus for many years, fly fishes and is an advocate for outdoor recreation.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

MLA Scott Fraser Member for Alberni-Pacific Rim

Dearest Heavenly Father, thank You for the unique experiences and perspectives that Scott Fraser brings to his role as Opposition Critic for Community and Rural Development and as MLA for Alberni-Pacific Rim. May You draw on these experiences and perspectives to bring fresh insight and a renewed sense of purpose to all that he is called to be involved with. May the various skills and abilities he possesses be used and directed for greatest impact and effectiveness. Reward him with the evidence that he is making a difference, that he would be refreshed in spirit to continue on in his service.

Scott Fraser was elected as the MLA for Alberni-Pacific Rim on May 12, 2009. He served as MLA for Alberni-Qualicum from May 17, 2005 until the riding boundaries were re-drawn.

Scott serves as opposition critic for Community and Rural Development.

From 1996 to 1999 Scott served as the mayor of the District of Tofino and was involved in the creation of the first UNESCO World Biosphere designation in British Columbia.

Scott has also served on many organizations, including Alberni Clayoquot Regional District Board, Vancouver Island Regional Library Board, Clayoquot Sound Central Region Board, Tourism British Columbia, Vancouver Island Health Board, Tofino/Long Beach Chamber of Commerce, treaty advisory committees, fisheries committees and the Family Court Committee.

Scott was born in Ottawa, Ontario and has been a resident of BC since 1980. His background includes small business, labour, harbour management, fisheries and shellfish aquaculture.

Scott lived in Tofino with his wife and daughter for over 12 years. They now live in the Qualicum Beach area.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

MLA Eric Foster Member for Vernon-Monashee

Creator God, who made us stewards of the beautiful land we call British Columbia, we lift up to You Your servant, Eric Foster. We ask that You will bless him as he serves in justice and generosity of spirit. We ask
You to make him a blessing to the land and the people. Please watch over and keep Eric and his family, and give them health and contentment.

Eric Foster was elected on May 12, 2009 as MLA for Vernon-Monashee in the general provincial election.

Eric served as the Mayor of the Village of Lumby for four years prior to his election as MLA, councillor for the Village of Lumby for 12 years and as a director of the North Okanagan Regional District.

He is a registered forest technician and for eight years served as a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Auxiliary, as well as a director of the North Okanagan Community Futures Development Corporation.

Eric and his wife Janice have been volunteering, working and living in the North Okanagan for more than 20 years.

Eric is a great supporter of sports, the outdoors, his community, arts and culture.