Monday, March 14, 2011

MLA John Horgan Member for Juan de Fuca

We pray for MLA John Horgan today.  We give thanks for his many years of faithful service to the people of his riding.  We ask that You would direct his steps as a possible leader of the Opposition.  We also know his many years of experience in government, makes him no stranger to the personal sacrifice and heavy responsibilities that will be his should he be chosen.  We pray  he will be given wisdom and know Your Divine guidance as he seeks for Your will to be done in his life.  Bless MLA Horgan and his family with Your love, joy and peace.  In Jesus name we pray.

John Horgan was elected as the MLA for Malahat-Juan de Fuca on May 17, 2005, and re-elected to the reconfigured riding of Juan de Fuca on May 12, 2009.

John was born and raised in Victoria.

A former long time public servant, he started his career in Ottawa working in the House of Commons before returning to British Columbia to work for the provincial government. He has also worked in the private sector, running a management and consulting company.

John has a Bachelor of Arts from Trent University and completed his Master of Arts at Sydney University in Australia.

John and his wife Ellie have two sons who attend the University of Victoria.

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