Tuesday, December 2, 2008

History in The Making

Most Canadians are shocked and bewildered at what is happening in Ottawa. The most common words I hear are 'Shocking' and 'Unbelievable' and I'm inclined to agree. In a time when our nation needs strong leadership and government, we are being faced with the prospect of a coalition government.

This is an historic moment in our nation. But.... it's a moment that God knew would appear AND it's also a moment for the Church to rise to the occasion and to assume our proper place as priest and intercessor on behalf of the nation.

As I write this, there's a book on my desk called 'Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting'. It's filled with examples of God intervening in current events in response to His people coming before Him in prayer. It seems to me that our best response as the Church is not outrage or indignation over what we see transpiring in Ottawa. Our best response is a posture of humility and brokeness where we ask the King of Kings to intervene in our political chaos for the sake of our nation.

It's to that end that we are encouraging our friends and prayer partners to give themselves to prayer in response to the current political crisis. We are providing the following prayer points as a resource to provide clarity and focus as you pray. These come courtesy of the National House of Prayer.

1. Pray for Governor-General Michaelle Jean as she consults with her advisors about the key decisions she needs to make in the days ahead. Pray that she would ultimately be guided by the Holy Spirit.

2. Pray for public calm and safety. Strong emotions are being stirred up by this crisis. Let's pray that as various demonstrations take place that peace and order would be observed and no violence would erupt that might cause personal injury or property damage. Pray that the potential divisions and alienation that could deepen in our land would actually be addressed and healed at this time. We have had many calls from people who are concerned about separatism in different parts of the country.

3. Pray that God's good purposes would be accomplished during this difficult "shaking" process. Pray that all party leaders and members would learn and grow through this crisis. Ask the Father to thwart every attempt that the enemy is trying to use to harm our nation and its governance. Pray that every dark motive and plan would be exposed, especially back room deals and hidden agendas that would feed self-interest and not our nation's greater good.

4. Pray for each of the party leaders that they would resist the lust for power and would approach their duties with humility and true servanthood. Let's intercede that each one would be able to receive godly wisdom and act in a responsible manner. Pray that righteousness and justice would prevail.

5. Pray for the media and all the "pundits" who are seen and heard in the various news agencies and networks, that they would be careful to represent the truth and not take advantage of the situation. Ask the Father to make this a time of maturing for everyone involved in the media as well.

6. Pray for our nation's economy and for good leadership through 2009 as we navigate our way through the global economic crisis along with the other nations of the world. Pray that all parties would understand how their decisions are affecting average Canadians and their economic health.

7. Pray for the emergence of a stronger and healthier democracy in our land as we move through this political uncertainty. Pray that all Canadians would realize the importance of their participation in the democratic process, especially the younger generation that needs to be engaged more fully.

8. Pray for all our members of Parliament, that a spirit of unity would emerge out of this fractured time. Especially pray for the Speaker of the House - the honourable Peter Milliken as he presides over the debates. Pray that M.P.s who are followers of Jesus Christ would set a higher tone and be exemplary in their conduct and conversation.

9. Pray for the "average Canadian" who is generally ill-informed and therefore reliant on the media for their perceptions. Pray that truth would prevail and that apathy or a spirit of resignation would be lifted from the general public. Intercede that the people would not become demoralized or cynical about the political realm.

10. Let's pray for a revival of prayer to come upon the Church in Canada. Pray that believers would rise to the challenge of the hour, and that a spirit of prayer would come upon us as we stand on guard for our nation in its hour of need.

To link to a printable copy of this page, please click here.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Praying For Wisdom

I'm amazed at the response to the email I sent out regarding this particular prayer focus. By last night over 700 people read the email that went on Monday and have begun to pray with us. Additionally, a pastor's prayer group from Victoria will be joining me at the Legislature on Thursday morning to represent the Church across BC. Needless to say, I'm pretty excited to see what God is doing.

Daily Prayer Focus

1. The debate has become fairly acrimonious as both sides seek to blame the other for the current situation. While our political system is adversarial by nature, we need our leaders to push partisanship aside and to collaborate on what is best for our Province. This can only begin through a move towards humility on both sides of the house.

2. Pray for the Speaker and Deputy Speakers as they moderate the debate. The Speaker demonstrated tremendous wisdom and leadership yesterday afternoon and will undoubtedly be required to do so again before the session ends.

3. Finally, pray for the Party and House Leaders from both sides. These 4 people are key participants in this debate and also can be key to the solution that comes out of this debate if they choose to be. Pray particularly that the desire to serve the people of BC overcomes the desire for power.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Prayer Focus for November 25, 2008

While I had hoped to be able to provide specific daily information for you as a way to support your prayer partnership with us, all I have been able to do thus far is secure the following information. This link takes you to the Orders of the Day as set out by the Government House Leader. This will help you to see what will be discussed today and in what order it will happen.

This link will take you to the live webcast which can also be watched on the BC Leglislative Channel on cable TV.
Thanks for praying with us.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Prayers Needed... NOW!

The next 4 days are extremely significant to the future of our province. The Legislature has been recalled to specifically deal with the government's economic plan to address the current economic situation. I think it's important for the Legislature to resume to deal with this matter. I think it's equally important for us to invest some time and energy into praying for them at this time. The decisions that will be made this week will affect our province economically, (which ultimately affects almost every other area in our province) for many years to come.

I'm convinced that as the Church rises to this opportunity to pray for our leaders as they debate this important legislation that God will respond and grant them the wisdom and insight necessary to make a decision that will be the most beneficial to our province today and in the months and years to come.

Here's what I'm inviting you to do. I'm asking you to pray specifically for the MLA's over the next 4 days that God will give them great wisdom and discernment. For those of you who are in the Victoria area, I'd like to invite you to consider visiting the Legislature to pray on site during the week. The Legislature sits from 10 AM to 12 PM and resumes at 1:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This is a critical time and a tremendous opportunity for us to stand in the gap for our entire province. In order to provide ongoing information, I will provide a daily prayer focus on this site to support your efforts. Thanks for participating in this. We are going to make a difference!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Civic Election Results

After over a month of praying for the election, today we want to pray for those who have been recently elected. To see who was elected in your community, click here to be taken to the CivicInfo website. In addition to praying with us today, I want to encourage you to consider doing something to recognize those who have been elected. Send a card, letter or email congratulating them on their election, thanking them for their willingness to serve and committing yourself to pray for them. Then work at building a relationship of blessing where your sole focus will be to serve and encourage those who lead your community.... I think it's what Jesus would do....

Election Day Resources

Today is election day! If you still aren't sure how to vote, here are some resources for you that we hope you find helpful.

School Trustee Candidate Profiles

How you vote, is less important than that you actually do. We are blessed to live in a nation that gives the privilege of choosing our leaders. As you do, choose prayerfully and wisely. I'd encourage you to consider calling a few friends and encouraging them to vote today as well.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Candidates for School Trustee

I just found a site that has candidate profiles for School Trustees across BC.

Click here to be taken to the main site where you can search for candidates by district or name.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Final Push

On Saturday, voters in your community will choose School Trustees who will provide governance and leadership to the schools your children and grandchildren will likely attend.

Today, we want to pray for those who will be elected on Saturday.

Father, we come to you in Jesus Name on behalf of those who will be elected this Saturday as School Trustees. We see the awesome responsibility and authority they have to shape the future of education in our communities and at the same time, impact the lives of our children. Our request today is that as You place individuals of your choosing to serve in this key role, you would fill them with wisdom and understanding. Grant them discernment as they seek to serve our communities in this very significant role and help them in every way. Let your blessing be on them we ask.

James 1:5 - If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Victoria Prayer Gathering

We held our Victoria Prayer Gathering for the Civic Election last night. We had about 45 people come together to pray and worship with us. It was a great night with a room full of people who wanted and knew how to pray. I was tremendously blessed to have 6 pastors with us for the evening. It's important to me that we are doing this in partnership with the local church rather than trying to build something that isn't connected to it in some way.

One participant shared something really interesting last night. As we were praying, he made the comment that this might be the first time that someone has prayed for these people in this way and how it was so rewarding for him to be a part of that moment. It was rewarding to be there and to provide an opportunity for believers to pray for those who will serve our communities as mayors, councilors and school trustees.

I believe that God is in this and that something incredible will come as we continue to pray all across our province. There are only 12 days left until the Civic Election and we'd love to have you join with us as we ask God to use this election for His purposes for our communities and schools. If you'd like to be a part of what we are doing, go to
http://www.praybc.com/ to register for our daily email blast. Be a part of the miracle!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halfway There....

We are just under two weeks away from the Civic Election that will happen on Nov. 15. That puts us at the halfway point in our prayer initiative. Halfway can be a hard place to be. Sometimes, it's the point where fatigue begins to take over and we become discouraged and weary. That's certainly not uncommon in a prayer campaign.

On the other hand, halfway means that every day after this brings us closer to reaching the finish line and before we know it we are into what my friend calls the 'no more's'. (As in no more Monday's, Tuesday's, Wednesday's, etc before we reach our goal.

Hebrews 12 gives us the secret to finishing successfully. 'We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus..' and pressing through to the finish line. There will be a reward for us as God uses this election for His purposes and it will be seen in God's blessing on every community across our province.

It's not to late to be a part of what we are doing. You can join our daily email campaign by going to www.praybc.com and registering with us there. Praying with us takes only a few minutes a day, but the results will last for years. Touch Heaven. Move Mountains. Join our team!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

PrayBC Progress

We are one week into our Prayer Campaign for the Civic Election. Everywhere I go, I find people who resonate with the vision that God has a plan for this election and that He wants to use it for His purposes. That tells me that there's something more here than just a good idea. As I talk to people about what's happening, it's like their hearts are already prepared to hear about this and there's an enormous 'YES' in their spirits. I've got to say that I love how God works in preparing the ground ahead of time.

This past Sunday, I visited a church to share the vision of PrayBC with them. I'd never been there and I didn't know what to expect. Their response was incredible. They were so receptive and attentive. On Saturday night I had a few minutes to share about what we are doing at a city wide worship gathering here in Victoria. The same thing happened. When I got back to our sign up table, people were lined up 4 deep to get their names on the list.

Today, we have several hundred people praying with us that God would give us His choice for mayors, councillors and school trustees in communities across BC. You can be a part of the miracle that is PrayBC simply by joining with us in our 2 minute prayer campaign by clicking here. We'll send you a daily email from now until November 16 so you can pray along with us.

Anybody can do this and it's exciting to know that you're being a part of shaping history on your knees. Thanks for being a part!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

PrayBC launches Civic Election Prayer Initiative

Today marks the beginning of the civic election campaign in BC. In 189 municipalities across BC, we are beginning the process of choosing mayors, councillors and school trustees. In light of the recent federal election and the coming US election, most people won't think that civic politics is really that important. The reality is that civic politicians affect our lives on a daily basis and what happens during this election is important.

We want to see God use this election to accomplish His purposes in every community in BC and so we are launching a Prayer Initiative via email and this blog site to help people pray for the election campaign. Starting today, we will provide you with a daily prayer focus, scripture verse and written prayer. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for as many people as possible to pray with us through the election campaign. This is designed to take only a few minutes a day but will actually affect the destiny of your city.

I had an inspiring visit with a new friend yesterday afternoon who said that when we pray like this, what we are really doing is holding up targets to attract God's attention. It's a fresh way of looking at prayer for me. Rather than wrestling against something, I'm actually inviting God into my world to work in amazing ways. If I've learned anything about God over the course of my life it's that He longs to work in amazing ways in our world. He's just waiting for us to ask.

We want to invite you to be a part of what we are doing. Our goal is to build a prayer network across BC that will touch heaven for the next 32 days on behalf of our communities. I believe God is eager to respond and to make Himself known all across our province in this way. You can participate by joining our email list. When you do, you will receive a daily email up until November 16.

You can also help us by forwarding this information to pastors and prayer group leaders. Our hope is to build a network of 10,000 people who will pray with us all across BC. Join us today!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Let's Do It!!

What could happen if the Church in BC actively prayed through the civic election campaign? I believe that God would use this election to fulfill His purposes for our communities and school boards if we just asked Him too.

We want to find out, so we're launching a prayer initiative for the Civic Election in BC. Our goal is to build a network of people who will take 5 minutes a day to pray with us that God would use this election to accomplish His plans and purposes for the 189 municipalities in our province.

Most of you are busy people, so we want to make this as easy for you as possible. We've put together a 33 day email campaign that will start on October 15. Each email will contain a daily prayer focus, a scripture verse and a written prayer. It's designed to take less than 5 minutes a day. We believe that by mobilizing the church to pray through this campaign, we can shape the outcome on our knees. Here's the key, this is an opt-in list. You'll only receive the emails if you sign up. We won't use this list for anything other than this campaign and the provincial election campaign in the spring.

To join our list, go to
www.praybc.com and click on register.

Be a part of the miracle!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Praying for Our Cities

On the day after the Federal Election, the municipal campaign will begin in BC and on November 15, we will elect mayors, councillors and school trustees. Municipal politics often gets ignored and relegated to the sidelines. In most communities, the turn out to the polls is often less than 25% of the eligible voters. The irony is that apart from taxation issues, municipal politics affects our lives much more than provincial and federal politics.

We see a tremendous and proactive opportunity for the church in this upcoming civic election. By inviting God to use this election for His purposes, we can effectively serve and bless our communities on our knees, all for about 5 minutes a day.

Here's the plan.... starting on October 15th, we will send a daily email to everyone who joins our prayer project. The email will provide you with a daily focus, theme, a scripture verse and a written prayer. We've designed this to make it easy for even the busiest people to participate with us. You can do this at your desk, on a coffee break or even as you walk to a meeting or appointment. What matters to us is that you are able to participate and be a part of asking God to use this election for His purposes in our communities all across BC.

I'm convinced that we have a tremendous opportunity to shape the future on our knees and I want you to join us. This is an 'opt-in' list. We won't use our regular email lists for this purpose so you need to sign up and let us know that you want to participate. To join, click here.

You can help us by forwarding this information to your pastor, prayer group leader and friends who you think might want to be a part of what we are doing.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

PrayBC Anounces Prayer Campaign for Municipal Election

What would happen if we asked God to use our current and upcoming elections for His purposes and plans? Over the next 8 months, British Columbians will elect leaders at every level of government. I see a tremendous opportunity for the church to shape the future of our communities and province simply by giving ourselves to prayer in a strategic way.

Over the past number of months, we have developed a strategic prayer strategy for the upcoming civic and provincial elections. Our vision is to establish an effective and strategic prayer network across BC that will pray without bias or prejudice for God’s will, direction, and purposes to be accomplished during the municipal and provincial elections.

Our goal is to see God use the municipal and provincial elections for His purposes in communities all across BC.

Our hope is to partner with churches, prayer groups and other prayer organizations to establish a prayer network that will be linked together to pray through the use of email and the PrayBC website. Each participant will receive a daily email with a specific prayer focus, scripture verse and prayer points for each day of the campaign. We want to make it easy for people to participate in this initiative so we have designed the emails so that it will take no more than just a few minutes to read through the email and pray along with many others all across the province.

We will run our campaign for the municipal election from October 15 to November 16. Our intent is to send periodic updates as we build towards the Provincial election. We will launch the Provincial prayer campaign on same day that the election is called and will conclude it on the day after Election Day. By that point we are hoping for a Provincial Prayer Network of 10,000 people.

I’m writing to enlist your help with this project. This is an ‘opt-in’ email initiative. Our commitment is that we won’t be using this list for anything other than the prayer campaigns that I’ve just outlined for you, but you won’t receive the daily email unless you register. I believe that we can have a tremendous effect on the upcoming elections and consequently on the years to come just because we pray now. First of all, REGISTER to participate in this incredible opportunity yourself.

Then forward this page to pastors, prayer group leaders, ministry leaders and ministerial group leaders asking them to participate as well.

PrayBC is a ministry of Leading Influence Ministries. For more information, visit our website(www.leadinginfluence.com) You can reach us by phone at 250-483-5403 or by email at tim@leadinginfluence.com Leading Influence Ministries is a registered Canadian Charity based in Victoria, BC.

I can hardly wait to see what God will do with this...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

That's a Tall Order....

This comes from Donna Pechie, one of our board members and the prayer coordinator for PrayBC. This story inspired me and she's given me her permission to share it with you.

As you know, Sunday was British Columbia's 150th birthday and the Snowbirds were here to put on a show. As I was walking my dog through Royal Roads University and having a devotion time with the Lord all of a sudden I heard the thunderous roar of the engines over head. I gazed upward hoping and praying I would see them and as I came into a clearing my prayer was answered and they flew in prefect formation over my head. It actually took my breath away and made my heart beat faster. The Snowbirds remind me of 'tall orders', of the impossible, and of God's heart to see his children rejoice when he gives them the desires of their hearts.

Why the Snowbirds you ask? We have to go back to October 1991 when our son was turning 7. We had been to all the air shows that summer as a family and he loved the Snowbirds. He had gotten many of their autographs and posters. So for his 7th birthday when I asked him what he wanted, he looked at me and said "Can we have the Snowbirds come to my party"!

I looked at him in disbelief not realizing that for a 7 year old it wasn't too much to ask. " As I looked at his little freckled face all I could say was "Well that is a pretty tall order sonny" and with that I let it be.

Well October 18th arrived and all his little rambunctious friends ran rampant around the house. I had made pin the tale on the lizard for them to play and we went out into the backyard with lizard tails in hand. Then on a perfect sunny day as we gathered for the game there was this great thunder coming from the heavens. We all stood in the back yard gazing up to see what all the noise was about and then in perfect divine formation the SNOW BIRDS FLEW OVER HEAD!!!! Not over the neighbors house to the right, not over the neighbors house the left, but in perfect formation over our house. Then they circled and did it one more time!!!

All of a sudden a lil red headed boy ran and wrapped his arms around me and proclaimed "Thanks mom you're the best mom ever"! I stood jaw slacked and new that our Great God served up one little boy"s Tall Order. He did the impossible because he loves to make our day, to give us the desires of our hearts and show how much he loves us.

But there is something more, it shows us that Tall Orders are easy for God, that nothing is too difficult no matter how absurd it may seem to us. HE MOVES MOUNTAINS, HE SENDS THE NOWBIRDS! You may have some Tall Orders today that seem impossible and unattainable, but as I stood on BC's birthday with the Snowbirds flying over head, God reminded me of Tall Orders, of how much he loves us that he is watching over our children and moving mountains for them. That is why I was breathless with a pounding heart, because the vocabulary of God is everywhere and always flying in perfect formation reminding us of his greatness.

Go ahead and ask God for the impossible put in your Tall Order (he doesn't mind, he loves to fill them)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Getting Ready For the Fall

We just got back from a fantastic weekend in Kelowna, BC where our youngest son (Tyler) was playing in a baseball tournament. His team placed second but had a very strong showing. We hope to meet the same team in the Provincial Championships in a few weeks.On Saturday afternoon we took a break from the heat and found comfort by going to the mall. The summer clearance sales were in full swing which seemed kind of premature, especially in light of the fantastic weather outside, but we shopped anyway... well, Barb and Brittany shopped, I watched a football game and enjoyed a cup of coffee in one of those nice soft chairs provided for waiting husbands and fathers. While I was waiting I started thinking about my own plans for the fall. My August schedule is already full and I have 6 engagements scheduled for September. It's going to be a busy fall season, but I am SO excited about the possibilities and opportunities. Over the next few weeks, I'll provide some more specifics about what we'll be doing. I believe that God has given us some very clear direction about our next steps here in BC and where our focus needs to be over the next year. I also believe that the results of what we will undertake will be historic for our province.Delerious ranks among my favorite bands. In one of their versions of 'Did You Hear?' they rhetorically ask if it's true that God can shape a nation. My emphatic answer is YES HE CAN! HE WANTS TO AND HE WILL, AS HIS PEOPLE PRAY! The question is will we??

Monday, June 23, 2008

Premier Campbell Names New Cabinet

Premier Campbell announced an anicipated Cabinet Shuffle today. Listed below are the names and ministries of the members of the new BC Cabinet. On behalf of the partners, friends and supporters of Leading Influence Ministries, I want to congratulate those who have been named to the cabinet, those who have been re-assigned roles and those who will continue on in their capacity. I also want to encourage our prayer network, friends and supporters to begin to pray for the new cabinet as they assume their responsibilities on behalf of the people of British Columbia.

























Monday, June 16, 2008

Video from Victoria PrayBC Event

Brittany (our daughter) made this video from pictures she took at the Victoria PrayBC event. She's added in some pictures from our MLA Prayer Breakfast and a few from our partner BBQ. I think she's done a fantastic job. I hope you enjoy it.

More Than A Day...

PrayBC is based on the question of 'what if' and the premise that 'Anything can happen when God is in it'. We began with an idea. I guess it was really more like a question. What would happen if the church all across BC came together to stand in the gap as a people of blessing? That question sparked a series of prayer gatherings across the BC on June 8.

Have you ever noticed how things can morph from one thing into a bigger and more exciting thing when God is in it? That' s what's happening with PrayBC. What began as a vision for a single day is becoming so much more. Here's what I mean...

I received a call a few weeks ago from someone who basically does what I do but in another part of the country. As we were getting to know each other he told me a fascinating story about what is happening in his province. They had a provincial election a while ago. He saw an opportunity for the church to make a difference on it's knees. What they did was begin to pray that God's choice of candidate in each riding would rise to the forefront. Their next prayer was that God would put his favor upon that candidate and would make him/her appealling to the electorate. Then they prayed that the candidate would know God's protection throughout the campaign and would be kept from making costly blunders. Through a series of conference calls, small and large prayer gatherings across the province, God answered their prayers!

The result today is a Christian Premier and Speaker. Many members of the Cabinet and government Caucus are believers as well as some members of the Opposition. There are other things that I can't tell you about in this forum, but I assure you it's amazing.

I confess, I'm jealous. I don't think it's a bad kind of jealousy though. I'm jealous to see God do the same thing in my province, with my government and among our leaders.

So... here's what I'm thinking .... In light of the fact that we have 2 important elections (municipal and provincial) within the next 11 months, do you think that God might be willing to do something in BC as powerful and profound as what He's done in another part of our country?

I think He just might.... How about you??