Wednesday, April 29, 2009

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 17

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - A Prayer for God's Blessing

"Oh, that you would bless me and expand my territory! Please be with me in all that I do, and keep me from all trouble and pain!" And God granted him his request.

Heavenly Father we are so blessed to call British Columbia our homeland.

We pray today that through this election process that you would have your hand upon our Province and make it as our Motto states “Splendor without diminish”

We ask Oh God that your favour would rest on those leaders that will be used to be instruments of blessing for our Province.

We know that you are able to keep or Province from trouble and in doing so, help us also to be a Province whose leaders do not cause anyone pain.

We thank you Oh God that you hear and answer prayer and we ask today that you hear the cry of our hearts as we have come each day to call on your great name. Let us be able to stand and declare that you indeed granted our request.

In Jesus Name, Amen

Events and Opportunities

May 3 - Victoria, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Church of Our Lord

May 6 - Provincial Conference Call - Click here to register

May 9 - Nanaimo, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Evangelistic Tabernacle

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 16

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Finding Favor

Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart, and so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man. Proverbs 3:3-4

As we come before you this day Lord we read that mercy and truth are important character qualities to have as they bring one into favour and high esteem with you and with man. We are praying that those elected will be like cream; that they will bring top-notch qualities and skills that add a diverse yet rich ingredient to the structure within government and their ridings. We are asking for a great government made up of men and women with mercy and truth formed in them so that they would have favour and high esteem in the sight of God and man.

We know Lord that You separate the wheat from the chaff and it is only You who knows what lies within each of us and the chaff that needs to be removed so we can walk in all that we are meant to. So we leave this process in Your loving and merciful hands to undertake and accomplish knowing that Your ways are far better than ours and it is You Lord that direct the paths of man.


Events and Opportunities

May 3 - Victoria, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Church of Our Lord

May 6 - Provincial Conference Call - Click here to register

May 9 - Nanaimo, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Evangelistic Tabernacle

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 15

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 15 - Finding God's Choice

Look at my Servant, whom I have chosen.  He is my Beloved, who pleases me.  I will put my Spirit upon him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations.  Mt. 12:18-19

Heavenly Father, we know that in Your wisdom and plan that you chose those who would lead long before the foundations of the earth were laid. You see all things, know all things and hold all things in your hand.  We know that each candidate brings something unique to the contest, but we also know that the wrong person in the wrong place can be disastrous.  We come to you today and ask that Your choice in each riding would begin to become abundantly clear.  Make Your choice plainly obvious to every voter in every riding so that our province would be blessed and prosper greatly.

We ask this in Jesus Name.  Amen.

Events and Opportunities

May 3 - Victoria, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Church of Our Lord

May 6 - Provincial Conference Call - Click here to register

May 9 - Nanaimo, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Evangelistic Tabernacle

Monday, April 27, 2009

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 14

Renewing Our Strength

Good morning everyone, we are officially at the halfway point of the campaign.  What I'd like us to do today is take a moment to pray for those who are praying with us from across BC.  We have over 1500 people who are praying with us on a daily basis from every corner of the province and today we want to pray for each other that our strength would be renewed so that our prayers would be effective and powerful.

Is 40:31 tells us that 'They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.  They shall mount up on wings like eagles.  They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.' 

Heavenly Father, today we ask for the many who stand with us in prayer.  Lord we have responded to what we believe is in your heart for this time.  We would ask that today You would renew and refresh us in every way so that we will continue to make a difference as we pray.  Fill us with faith, vision and passion.  Grant us your strength.  Bring forth a new depth in our prayers as we approach Election Day.  Give us unprecedented boldness and confidence as we persist in prayer.  

Lord, we want to remind you of your promise this morning.  You said that if we would seek your face, you would hear from heaven and heal our land.  We know that You are doing something powerful and sovereign in response to the prayers of your people and we look forward to seeing the result of our prayers.

This we ask in Jesus' Name.  Amen

Events and Opportunities

May 3 - Victoria, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Church of Our Lord

May 6 - Provincial Conference Call - Click here to register

May 9 - Nanaimo, BC, 6:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Evangelistic Tabernacle

Sunday, April 26, 2009

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 13

PrayBC Election Focus Day 13
Righteousness and Justice

Praise the Lord your God, who delights in you and has placed you on the throne of Israel. Because of the Lord's eternal love for Israel, he has made you king so you can rule with justice and righteousness." 1 Kings 10:9

Lord, you see the sin and violence in our cities and province and you hear the cry of many people for righteousness and justice to be restored to our land. O God, hear us as we pray today. We ask for MLA's who will commit themselves to restoring righteousness and justice to our province. We realize that this is a complex and difficult issue and it will require great wisdom and courage to see this come about in our province. Grant us MLA's of great strength and passion in these areas so that our province will benefit in every way.

We ask this in Jesus Name, Amen

Events and Opportunities

April 26 - Burnaby, BC, 6:30 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Central Christian Assembly

May 3 - Victoria, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Church of Our Lord

May 6 - Provincial Conference Call - Click here to register

May 9 - Nanaimo, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Evangelistic Tabernacle

Saturday, April 25, 2009

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 12

PrayBC Election Focus Day 12 - Leaders Who Know How to Rebuild

"You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste,and it's gates are burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we no longer be a reproach. And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also the king's words that he had spoken to me." So they said,"Let us rise up and build" then they set their hands to this good work. Neh 2:17,18

Lord we look at the life of Nehemiah and are inspired by a leader who is so convinced of his direction and destiny that no threat of the enemy could deter his efforts. He refused to become discouraged or turn from his task in the face of ridicule. He had the ability to rally the people to work for a just cause and encouraged them continually even when no one encouraged him.Nehemiah stuck to the task and finished it in 52 days

Heavenly Father,we ask for leaders to the Province of British Columbia who have the heart of Nehemiah coupled with the skill necessary to complete the necessary tasks ahead for our province. In these troubled times we need leaders of vision and resolve

As they fight for what is right, give them courage not to fear in the face of opposition.  Surround them with skilled workers who will work tirelessly to rebuild our Province.

In Jesus Name, Amen
Events and Opportunities

April 26 - Burnaby, BC, 6:30 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Central Christian Assembly

May 3 - Victoria, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Church of Our Lord

May 6 - Provincial Conference Call - Click here to register

May 9 - Nanaimo, BC, 6:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Evangelistic Tabernacle

Friday, April 24, 2009

PrayBC Prayer Focus Day 11

PrayBC Prayer Focus for Day 11 - Compassion

1 Corinthians 13:4-8a Love is patient, love is kind and not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.

We continue to pray and lift up those running in the upcoming provincial election. We pray that love and compassion would be at the forefront in the provincial election. We ask that each candidate would have the ability to move beyond distractions and the negativity which would try to encroach upon them and weigh them down during this time. We pray for them to look to the needs of the people of British Columbia and to have compassion for the homeless, the unemployed, the sick, the elderly and those with disabilities. We are asking that those chosen to hold power and sway within the governmental realm to be men and women filled with great problem solving abilities and endowed with the wisdom to know how to apply solutions to areas of need . We are expectant and believe that we will see many positive results as we continue to pray for all candidates. This we ask in Jesus' Name. Amen
Events and Opportunities

April 26 - Burnaby, BC, 6:30 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Central Christian Assembly
May 3 - Victoria, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Church of Our Lord
May 6 - Provincial Conference Call - Click here to register

May 9 - Nanaimo, BC, 6:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Evangelistic Tabernacle

Thursday, April 23, 2009

PrayBC Prayer Focus - Day 10

PrayBC Prayer Focus for Day 10 - Humility

Micah 6;8

"No, O people, the LORD has already told you what is good, and this is what he requires: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God .

Dear Father:
Your requirements for all of us are to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with you. And as we think about those who would be elected to the Legislature, we pray that they would hold to these instructions. These instructions make us think of accountable actions, that choose humility above pride, and honesty above greed or temptation to be corrupt in any way. Dear Lord, may those chosen for leadership, think of the need not to put themselves or their party above others, but to be thankful for the privilege and opportunity to serve the people of our province. We pray that they will go the extra mile to bring justice and mercy and goodness into their sphere of influence not thinking about their own 'face' but acting for the common good.

We earnestly pray this in Jesus Holy Name. Amen

Events and Opportunities

April 26 - Burnaby, BC, 6:30 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Central Christian Assembly

May 3 - Victoria, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Church of Our Lord

May 6 - Provincial Conference Call - Click here to register

May 9 - Nanaimo, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Location TBC

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 9

PrayBC Prayer Focus for Day 9 - Vision

Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision, the people perish.

Lord, the candidates and party leaders in this election campaign speak often about their vision for our province. We are grateful for people who are able to paint a picture of what the future could look like and yet we know that YOU have a preferred future for our province that will bring us your blessing, approval and favour. Our prayer today is that there would be a perfect alignment between YOUR vision for British Columbia and the vision of the successful party and candidate for Premier of our province.

We know that there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. We ask that You would begin to align the hearts and minds of every candidate who will be successful in this election so that we will be spared the consequences of pursuing a path that is contrary to Your preferred destiny for British Columbia. Change platforms, strategies and promises to align with Your heart and dreams for our province.

We ask this in the Mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.

Events and Opportunities

April 26 - Burnaby, BC, 6:30 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Central Christian Assembly

May 3 - Victoria, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Church of Our Lord
May 6 - Provincial Conference Call - Click here to register
May 9 - Nanaimo, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Location TBC

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 8

Numbers 13:30 “The Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, We should by all means go up and take possession of it, for we shall surely overcome it.”

Father thank you for those who are running for our provincial government. Thank you for men and women of courage. Thank you that this courage will enable them to do the right thing at the right time. Father, we thank you for the courage that has been developed in their lives. Thank you for how they have been trained to lead us at this time.

Father we bless you and say thank you for men and women of courage. Be with them today and help them as they campaign. May you grant them success for our provinces behalf.


Events and Opportunities

April 26 - Burnaby, BC, 6:30 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Central Christian Assembly

May 3 - Victoria, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Church of Our Lord

Monday, April 20, 2009

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 7

Day 7 April 20 Men and Women of Integrity

Psalm 139 2b-3 You understand my thought afar off.  You comprehend my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways"

Lord , Today I pray that the leaders that are raised up in our Province will understand how intimately you know them. You know when they sit down and rise up . You understand their thoughts,comprehend their path and their lying down, You are acquainted with all their ways. You are the one who fashioned them and and know the days that are ordained for each one of them. Thank you for your good thoughts You have towards each one and the certainty that you have a plan for each of their lives

May those who lead this province be men and women of integrity, May they be consistant in their actions, in their methods,and in acting on principle. Bless them with successful outcomes

In Jesus Name


April 26 - 6:30 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally 
Central Christian Assembly - Burnaby, BC

May 3 - Victoria, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally
Church Of Our Lord, Victoria, BC

Sunday, April 19, 2009

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 6

PrayBC Prayer Focus for Day 6 - A Prayer For Strength

God we need you in this province. We know that you hear our prayers and you delight to answer them. So Father we need you to move our hearts to prayer. We ask you God to awake us to the needs of our land and the importance to pray for our leaders. May we arise and take our place as your people who stand before you. We thank you for the privilege to represent our needs as a province to you. Thank you again Father that you hear us and you delight to answer our requests. So in Jesus name may you bless this election and may those that you desire to lead us be elected.


Upcoming Events and Opportunities

April 26 - Prayer Rally, PrayBC Election Prayer Rally

Central Christian Assembly, Burnaby, BC

May 3, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally

Church of Our Lord, Victoria, BC

Saturday, April 18, 2009

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 5

There is a way that seems right before a man, but in the end it leads to death. " Colossians 4:6 NLT

A path, a way that seems to be just the right course of action, but without thoughtful consideration, and a clear leading to go forward, can disappoint, and frustrate, and even lead to harm.

Dear Father:

You are the only one who knows the end from the beginning. And so we pray for those those men and women who are running for office in the legislature that they would open their hearts and spirits to your leading in all matters great or small. We pray they would not make decisions as lone wolves but would seek advice and council from persons they know would give them a straight answer. We pray that when they face difficult difficult choices they will make decisions to do the right thing. We ask you to keep them on a safe, plain, and honest path so that their course of action would inspire confidence in their constituents. Above all we ask you to give them a clear mind as they form their positions.

Thank you for each candidate.


Upcoming Events and Opportunities

April 26 - Burnaby, BC, 6:30 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Central Christian Assembly

May 3 - Victoria, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Church of Our Lord

Friday, April 17, 2009

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 4

This is Day 2 of our focus on praying for the hearts of those who are running as candidates. Today we are focusing on Party Leaders.

Father we know that you see into the depths of people’s hearts. We thank you God that nothing is hidden from you sight. Father we ask for men and women who have good hearts. Thank you that there are men and women willing to serve our province from a pure and good heart.

We ask you Father to help these come into office whose “hearts” are pleasing in your sight. Father we thank you that a good heart is of great value to you. May you give us those with good hearts that they too may be of great value to all us here in British Columbia. May you lift up these men and women today so that we might recognize them. Father I thank you for these ones.

1 Samuel 16:7 “For God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”


Upcoming Events and Opportunities

April 26 - Burnaby, BC, 6:30 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Central Christian Assembly

April 28 - Richmond, BC - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Richmond Location TBC

May 3 - Victoria, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Church of Our Lord

Thursday, April 16, 2009

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 3

Our theme for the next two days is 'The Heart of the Matter' as we pray for Candidates and Party Leaders.

'But the Lord said to Samuel, "Don't judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." ' 1 Sa 16:7 NLT

Father God we come to you in prayer for ALL the candidates that are running in the provincial election. Each of these people have been gifted in ways that only You know for certain; because, You, Lord look beyond the natural ability of man and even past the physical appearance of a person and You look straight into the 'heart' and see what resides within each of us regardless of our standing.

We are praying and asking for men and women to lead our province that You have chosen. Bring forth those people that have the talents and gifts that will benefit and bless our province over the course of the next 4 years. We pray that these men and women will be men and women capable of carrying the responsibilities that will be put upon them. Empower them to become extraordinary champions on behalf of the people, the province, the economy and all other issues that will come forth.

We pray that Your peace will be upon the candidates as they run the course up until the day of election. Protect each one and their families from harm and bless them with wisdom and your favour. We ask all these things in Jesus' Name. Amen

Upcoming Events and Opportunities
April 26 - Burnaby, BC, 6:30 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Central Christian Assembly

April 28 - Richmond, BC - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Richmond Location TBC

May 3 - Victoria, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Church of Our Lord

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 2

"If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves ,and pray and seek My face,and turn from their wicked ways,then I will hear from heaven ,and will forgive their sin and heal their land" 2 Chr. 7:14

Heavenly Father, we thank You for this powerful scripture that contains great promise of your blessings. We see that there are conditions that we must fulfill and we join with many who are consistently praying to see this scripture realized.

We desire to obtain divine favor and see our land healed ,so we ask for a sensitivity to your spirit so that we might be aware of our sin and confess it before you .

We ask to be cleansed of all iniquity. Draw us into places of heartfelt repentance. Please release a fresh move of holiness and purity in our own personal lives and for our land. We purpose to open up times in our lives where we can seek You and come to know you in greater ways. We want to hear Your voice and be more acquainted with Your ways. Grant us tenacious spirits that will not give up praying until we see transformation in our land in all spheres of society.

In Jesus Name,


Upcoming Events and Opportunities

April 15, 7:00 PM - Province Wide Conference Call - click here to register

April 26 - Burnaby, BC,  6:30 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Central Christian Assembly

May 3 - Victoria, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Church of Our Lord

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 1

Thanks for being a part of the PrayBC Network. We are excited about what God is going to do in response to our prayers over the next 28 days. We know that He is able to do more than all we are able to ask, think or imagine. As we begin this prayer campaign, we want to ask, believe and anticipate an amazing response as we pray.

Our scripture verse today comes from Eph. 3:20. 'Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.' NLT

Let's pray together,

Heavenly Father we are so thankful for your tremendous kindness and faithfulness to us. We are grateful to live in such a beautiful province and are blessed to know that you are interested in who will be entrusted to provide leadership to our province on May 12. Lord, at the very beginning, we commit this entire process into your hands and ask that You would watch over every part of this campaign.

We know that you are able to do far more than anything that we are able to ask, think or imagine and so, we remove small thinking and asking far from our lives today. We pray that you would move very sovereignly and powerfully during this campaign and that you would make yourself known through this time. Show your power, grace, wisdom and mercy through this election as we ask you to give us a government that is of your choosing and desire. Put your favour on the candidates and leaders that you have chosen to most effectively serve our province. Grant us men and women who will be full of grace, wisdom and compassion to lead our province into the destiny that you have established for us.

Finally, your Word shows us that your power is released through us and so help us to be faithful as we pray during this campaign. Strengthen us where we are weak. Help us to stand in spite of any opposition we may encounter. This we ask in Jesus Name, Amen

April 14, 7:00  - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Sidney Pentecostal Church

As part of our strategy, we have scheduled a conference call for tomorrow, Wednesday April 15 at 7 PM. To register and receive access information for the call, please, click here .

Monday, April 13, 2009

Hon. Blair Lekstrom - Minister of Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources

Today we are praying for the Hon. Blair Lekstrom, MLA for Peace River and Minister of Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (January 19, 2009).

Father we thank you for Blair. We thank you for his service to the community. We pray your blessing upon him as he serves our province. May he have the wisdom necessary to carry out his duties well. May you encourage him with strong desire to do what is best for those he serves. We ask for your richest blessing upon him and the community he represents. Make him successful for our behalf.  In Jesus name.

Blair currently serves as the Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Development.

Previously, Blair chaired the Legislative Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services (2001, 2002, 2005 and 2006) and served on the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts, the Agriculture Policy Development Committee, the Legislative Review Committee and the Government Caucus Committee on the Economy. In the past he has also served as the Chair of the Legislative Committee to review the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the BC Offshore Oil and Gas Committee. He has been a member of the Select Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs, the Select Standing Committee on Health, the Northern Caucus Committee, the Cabinet Committee on Agenda & Priorities, and the Legislative Committee on the Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform.

Before becoming an MLA, Blair was serving his second term as Mayor of the City of Dawson Creek. He was first elected mayor in 1996, after serving for three years as a councillor.

Born in 1961 in North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Blair moved to Dawson Creek later that year and has lived there ever since. Following graduation from South Peace Secondary School, Blair started with BC Tel in 1979 and worked for the next 17 years as an installer-repairman until his election as Mayor in 1996. He was a Peace River Regional District member and served on the North Central Municipal Association executive.

Blair's previous appointments include serving as a Municipal Finance Authority board member, North Central Municipal Association president, BC Task Force on Bank Mergers member, BC Agri-Food Policy Working Group member, and Union of BC Municipalities executive member.

Blair's community involvements included: Dawson Creek & District Hospital Foundation board member, Board Member, Pouce Coupe Long-Term Care Facility as well as participation in a wide range of community groups in his capacity as Mayor of Dawson Creek.

He and wife Vicki were married in 1982. They have two children. Blair is an avid motorcyclist and enjoys working on and riding his Harley Davidson. Other hobbies include: carpentry, camping with his family, and playing baseball and hockey.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

MLA Richard T. Lee - Burnaby North

Today we are praying for Richard Lee, Member for Burnaby North.
As we read Mr. Lee's profile and pray for him to-day, we are aware of the value and trust the constituents in his riding have for him in Burnaby North by re-electing him as their MLA . His value too, in the legislature, is noted by the many committees he is called on to serve. May he know the touch of Your presence on his life , as You give guidance, to serve with excellence, in the work You have chosen him to do, in the political arena of this province. May Your blessings be abundant in the lives of Richard's family.

Richard T. Lee was first elected as the MLA for the riding of Burnaby North in 2001 and was re-elected in the May 2005 provincial general election and was appointed Parliamentary Secretary for the Asia-Pacific Initiative on June 16, 2005.

Currently, Richard also serves as member of the legislative Select Standing committee on Finance and Government Services and a member of the Select Standing Committee on Education.

Previously, Richard served as member of the legislative Special Committee to Review the Police Complaint Process, a member of the Special Committee to Appoint a Police Complaint Commissioner, Vice-chair of the Special Committee to Appoint a Merit Commissioner, a member of the Government Caucus Committee on Economy and Government Operations, a member of the Government Caucus Multicultural Committee and Chair of the Government Caucus Asian Economic Development Committee.

Before being elected to the Legislature, Richard was a programmer analyst at TRIUMF, Canada's national particle research facility. In 1976 he earned a Combined Honours Bachelor of Science degree from UBC in physics and mathematics and in 1980 a Masters of Science from UBC in Applied Mathematics. While studying, Richard worked as a research assistant from 1975 to 1977 and then as a teaching assistant from 1977 to 1979 with the Department of Mathematics in UBC. From 1979 to 1982 he worked as a programmer at TRIUMF and in 1982 became a programmer analyst. Richard attended the United States Particle Accelerator School at Berkeley in 1989 and once again in 1990 at Harvard University.

Richard's community service included: British Columbia Heritage Language Association director; Burnaby District Parents’ Advisory Council member, and Burnaby Chinese Parents Association vice-president; Burnaby Multicultural Society director; Burnaby Voters Non-Partisan Association director; Civic Education Society director; Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement chairperson; and, British Columbia Table Tennis Association Honorary President.

Born in 1954, Richard and his wife Anne married in 1986 and have lived in the constituency since then. They are also the parents of three children. Richard pastimes include badminton, basketball, table tennis and bridge.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

MLA Harry Lali - Yale Lillooet

Today we are praying for MLA Harry Lali.

Father we thank you for the commitment that Harry Lali has given to the riding of Yale –Lillooet
We know that he has had to make many sacrifices to serve our Government and ask that you would bless him for his faithfulness. We pray that you would strengthen him when his is weary and when he is at a loss for direction that you would guide him and give him divine strategies.

We thank you that he is willing to serve as the opposition Critic for B.C. lotteries, Gaming Policy and I.C.B.C. This is a job that requires much time and effort and we pray that you would inspire him to be a man of wisdom and integrity.

We ask today Father that you would bless him and keep him, that you would make his face shine upon him and be gracious to him.  That you Father would turn your face toward him and give Harry and his family peace.

Harry Lali served as Minister of Transportation and Highways from February, 1998, to February, 2001. He was the longest serving NDP Highways Minister in British Columbia. Previously, Harry served as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Forests from June, 1996, to February, 1998. Currently he is the Opposition Critic for B.C. Lotteries, Gaming Policy and I.C.B.C.

In 1988, Harry was elected City Councillor in Merritt for one term. In 1991, Harry was elected Member of the Legislative Assembly for Yale-Lillooet, re-elected M.L.A. in 1996, and again a third time in 2005.

Harry was born in 1955 in Jullundur District, Punjab, and currently lives in Merritt. He was educated at the University of Victoria and the University of British Columbia, where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and South Asia Area Studies. Harry is the founder of the group that established the Chair of Punjabi and Sikh Studies at the University of British Columbia.

Before his election to the Legislature, Harry was an Employment Counsellor for the federally-sponsored Merritt Outreach Program from 1986 – 1991. He has also worked at MOSAIC in Vancouver. Harry is a former member of the IWA Local 1-417 when he spent 11 summers working in the sawmill industry in Interior B.C. Harry is also a former co-owner of a sporting goods store.

From 2001 – 2006 Harry owned his own business that was involved in international development and technology transfer to developing countries, namely in the field of environmental technologies and power generation.

Harry and his wife, Rani, are the proud parents of two sons and one daughter.

Friday, April 10, 2009

MLA Jenny Wai Ching Kwan - Vancouver-Mount Pleasant

Today we are praying for Jenny Wai Ching Kwan, member for Vancouver Mount Pleasant.
Father, we give thanks for this dynamic young woman Jenny Kwan who has become the first Chinese Canadian to become a Cabinet Minister in the history of British Columbia. What a testimony to give encouragement to us as we recognize the great possibilities that are here in Canada for any one of us no matter our ethnic origin. We thank you for her example and her perseverance that has brought her to this moment in history. Let her light so shine that it helps direct young people, in particular, to desire to serve in community works and the political field. We pray that Jenny would used as a voice that would bring attention to those less fortunate as well as the many social issues that reside within our cities and let her be the instrument of transformation within the province. We pray for health and protection for her and her family.

Jenny Kwan was first elected as the MLA for Vancouver - Mount Pleasant in 1996, becoming one of the first Chinese-Canadians to sit in BC's Legislative Assembly and the first Chinese Canadian Cabinet Minister in the history of B.C. She was re-elected in 2001, and again on May 17, 2005.
Jenny is the Opposition Caucus Chair, and serves as Opposition Critic for Homelessness and Mental Health.

Born in Hong Kong, Jenny Wai Ching Kwan immigrated to Canada with her family when she was nine years old. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Criminology) from Simon Fraser University. Jenny began working as a community legal advocate in the Downtown Eastside shortly after graduation.

Jenny was elected to Vancouver City Council in 1993 --becoming the youngest councillor in Vancouver’s history -- and served for three years as the sole representative of Vancouver's progressive municipal political party, COPE.

In 1998 Jenny was appointed Minister of Municipal Affairs, becoming BC's first Chinese-Canadian cabinet minister. Jenny also served as Minister of Women's Equality and Minister of Community Development, Cooperatives and Volunteers and was the provincial government’s lead person in developing the Vancouver Agreement.

Jenny's work in the areas of women's rights, community development, housing and anti-poverty advocacy has earned her a well-deserved reputation as a committed social activist who has made principle her priority.

Jenny is married and lives in East Vancouver with her husband, daughter, son and stepson.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hon. Kevin Krueger - Minister of Community Development

Today we are praying for the Hon. Kevin Krueger - Minister of Community Development. 

Father we thank you for the Honorable Kevin Krueger today and all the ways in which he has served this Province so faithfully. As we look at the many portfolios that Kevin Krueger has served in, we see a man who has been blessed with many talents and abilities.

We thank you for his deep commitment to serve as the Minister of Community Development and we pray that you give him great wisdom and grace to make decisions that will help him in making our communities a better place to live.

We thank you Lord for his faithfulness in serving as the MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson, and ask that you continue to inspire him and guide him. We pray that you would bless him in all that he sets his hand to,so he is able to continue to be an exceptional leader in our province.

Father we ask for a blessing of protection, health and prosperity for his wife Debbie and all of his 6 children and their families.

Kevin Krueger was appointed Minister of Community Development on January 19, 2009 after serving as Minister of Small Business and Revenue and Minister Responsible for Regulatory Reform since June 23, 2008. Mr. Krueger previously served as Minister of State for Mining.
Kevin Krueger was re-elected as MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson in 2005 after being elected in 1996 and re-elected in 2001. Kevin is also a member of the Government Caucus Committee on Natural Resources and Economy, where he previously served as Chair.

While in Opposition, Kevin served as the BC Liberal Critic for Labour. Kevin served as the Caucus Whip as well as a member of the Select Standing Committee on Education. Kevin was named to the Legislative Standing Committees for Committee of Selection and the Special Committee for the Citizen’s Assembly on Electoral Reform. He was also a member of the Legislative Assembly Management Committee. He previously was a member of the Small Scale Salvage Committee.

Before becoming an MLA, Kevin worked with the Insurance Corporation of BC for 20 years, and at the time of his departure was a road safety regional manager.

His community work includes the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce, Kamloops Community Counterattack Committee, Rotary Club past-president, coordinator with the Heart and Stroke Foundation, and secretary of the Protocol Committee for the 1993 Canada Summer Games. He arranged the twinning of the Rotary Clubs of Kamloops and Uji, Japan. He is a former board member, executive councillor and shop steward of the Office and Technical Employees Union, Local 378. He was a director of the Prince George & District Credit Union.

Kevin and his wife Debbie, a school teacher, have six children, including two daughters-in-law and a son-in-law. They are the proud grandparents of seven children.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

MLA Leonard Krog - Nanaimo

Today we are praying for Leonard Krog, member for Nanaimo.

We pray Your blessings will rest on Leonard today. May he know the sufficiency of Your grace as he carries out his lifes's work as an Attorney of Law, and his role as MLA. for the people of Nanaimo.

We pray you will give him a voice that will be heard, as his position of influence continues to bring integrity, and honesty to the justice system in this province.

We thank You for his dedication and commitment to give able and strong leadership in this important riding.

Father , we know You understand the sacrifices a family is called on to make, when involved in public service, so we pray, Leonard ,his wife Sharon , his children Jessica and Parker, will be abundantly blessed wih good health , happiness and quality time with one another.
Leonard Krog was elected as the MLA for Nanaimo on May 17, 2005.  Leonard serves as Opposition Critic for the Attorney General.
Born in Nanaimo and raised in Coombs, Leonard served as MLA for Parksville-Qualicum from 1991 to 1996.  Since 1980, Leonard has been a practicing lawyer in a Nanaimo law firm, most recently with his wife Sharon.
In addition, Leonard has served as the director and president of the Mid-Island Consumer Services Co-operative, chair of the United Way for Nanaimo and District, director of the Nanaimo City Centre Association, president of the Nanaimo City Bar Association, director and president of the Planned Parenthood Association's Nanaimo Branch, a member and supporter of Amnesty International and Lawyers for Social Responsibility.

Leonard and his wife Sharon live in Nanaimo. They have two children, Jessica and Parker.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

MLA Maurine Karagianis - Esquimalt-Metchosin

Today we are praying for Maurine Karagianis, member for Esquimalt-Metchosin. 

Father God

We bring before You today Maurine Karagianis who is serving as Opposition Critic for Transportation. She brings to this appointment many years of experience in many different areas, all committed to serving the people of Canada, of which we are truly grateful. Thank You Lord that You have placed within Maurine talent, foresight, commitment, passion, dedication and grace. Speak to her this day and every day solutions, creative ideas, workable formats and strategies as she faces the many challenges of transportation. Place others in her life that are like minded and will work along side her and share her vision. We pray that You would open doors for her that need to be open, and shut doors that need to be shut. Keep her safe as she travels back and forth. We speak a blessing over Maurine this day and pray she feels supported.

In your loving name, Amen

Maurine Karagianis was elected as the MLA for Esquimalt-Metchosin on May 17, 2005. Maurine serves as Opposition Critic for Transportation.  Maurine was elected as a municipal councillor in Esquimalt in 1996, and re-elected in 1999 and again in 2002.

Starting in 1998, she served three years with the provincial government as an assistant in the Ministry of Social Services and in the Ministry of Transportation and Highways. Maurine recently ran a consulting business that worked with non-profit organizations and First Nations communities to create affordable housing.

Maurine chaired the Intermunicipal Committee from 1999 to 2002. She helped create and chaired the CRD Arts Committee until 2005, developed a regional arts strategy and led Esquimalt 's Public Arts Policy.

As a long-standing Director of the Veins of Life Watershed Society, Maurine has worked in support of environmental stewardship for the Gorge Waterway and watershed protection in the Capital Region.

Maurine has an extensive business background with 15 years in the fashion industry in retail, wholesale and import/export from South East Asia; and 10 years in publishing for the tourism market and international motorcycle industry including trade show and TV production.

Monday, April 6, 2009

MLA Daniel Jarvis - North Vancouver-Seymour

Today we are praying for MLA Daniel Jarvis.  Mr. Jarvis recently underwent heart surgery and has announced his  retirement.
Father we thank you for the years of service that Daniel has given to our communities, province and families. We thank you for raising up ones like Daniel to champion rights for others. We do pray your richest blessing upon him. May you continue to sustain him with joy. Father we ask you to raise up many more men and women who will give their lives to serve others. At this time may you give Daniel wisdom and insight in his diverse portfolio. We ask especially for strategic wisdom for his portfolio of resources and mining. We thank you Father.

In Jesus name,

Daniel Jarvis first became an MLA in 1991 for North Vancouver-Seymour, and was re-elected in the riding in 1996 and 2001. While in Opposition he served as the Deputy Critic for Children and Families, the Energy and Mines Deputy Critic, and the Critic for ICBC. He currently serves as a member of the Government Caucus Committee on Natural Resources as well as a member of the Legislative Standing Committee for Crown Corporations. He also served on the Mining Task Force.

Daniel has lived and worked on the North Shore for 40 years and is a fourth generation British Columbian. Before being elected to the BC Legislature he was involved in the real estate and construction industries. He also worked in the general insurance industry for ten years.

He has a long history of community service. He has been involved in amateur sports including girls softball and hockey. He has coached and organized girls baseball leagues. Daniel is past-president and organizer of the North Vancouver Minor Hockey Association. Daniel also co-owned and served as president of the old Nor-Wes Caps Junior Hockey Association. He was also a member of the Capilano Kiwanis Association.

Daniel and Dianne Jarvis have two children and three grandchildren, all of whom live on the North Shore.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

MLA Carole James - Victoria Beacon Hill

Today we are praying for Carole James, the Leader of the Official Opposition.
Father we come on behalf of Carole James and pray that she would be blessed for her deep commitment to serving in government as well as watching over the Victoria-Beacon Hill area to which she serves. We pray for health and strength for Carole as she serves. She has been given a great role to fulfill so we ask that she would be protected as she works so diligently in many areas. Continue to pour out a powerful unction for great leadership for this year. Just as Deborah was used to minister justice and wisdom we ask that Carole would be used to minister these same qualities.

Carole James was elected Leader of the British Columbia New Democratic Party on November 23, 2003.

Carole served as President of the B.C. School Trustees Association for an unprecedented five terms, commencing in 1995.
She was elected to the Greater Victoria School Board from 1990 to 2001. She has also served at the national level as the Vice-President of the Canadian School Boards Association. Carole has been appointed to numerous provincial initiatives, including the Independent B.C. Budget Review Panel, the Public Education Restructuring Consultation, the Ministry of Children and Families Secure Care Committee.

In addition to serving a two-year term as the Director of Child Care Policy for the government of British Columbia, she has served on the Greater Victoria Region Social Planning Council, the City of Victoria Parks and Recreation Committee, and the Task Force on Violence Prevention.

In recognition of her work in the area of co-operative pre-schools, she was named an Honorary Life Member of the Vancouver Island Co-operative Pre-School Association.

In 2001, Carole moved to Prince George to serve as the Director of Child and Family Services for Carrier Sekani Family Services. As part of her management responsibilities, she coordinated the planning for regionalization of child and family services from the Ministry of Children and Families to an Aboriginal Authority. In July 2003, just prior to becoming Leader of the New Democrats, she became Coordinator with the Northern Aboriginal Authority for Families.

In May 2005, Carole was elected as the MLA for Victoria-Beacon Hill, and became the Leader of BC's Official Opposition in the BC Legislature.

Carole is the mother of two children, Alison and Evan. She was also a foster parent for 20 years, giving care to children and adults with special needs.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

MLA Olga Ilich - Richmond Centre

Today we are praying for Olga Ilich, member for Richmond Centre.
Father, we ask your blessing on Olga Ilich today.  Strengthen her, renew her and help her as she serves the people of Richmond Centre.  Bless her relationships, her health, her work and her future plans as she prepares to leave politics.  Grant her your grace and favour today we pray.
Olga Ilich served as Minister of Labour and Citizen Services from August 15, 2006 to June 23, 2008. Prior to that she served as Minister of Tourism, Sport and the Arts. She was elected in the riding of Richmond Centre in the 2005 provincial general election.

Olga was founder and President of Suncor Development Corporation, a real estate development and construction company based in Richmond. Prior to that, she was Executive Vice-President of Progressive Construction Ltd., also a real estate development and construction company based in Richmond.
Olga has been involved in a number of community, professional and business organizations and recently was a Director of UBC Properties Investment Ltd. Previously, she served as Chair of the BC Assessment Authority, Director of the Vancouver International Airport Authority, member of the City of Richmond Advisory Design Panel and President of the Urban Development Institute, Pacific Region.

She was also a member of the City of Surrey Development Advisory Committee, the Province of British Columbia Advisory Committee on Public-Private Partnerships, the provincial Task Force on Public-Private Partnerships, the Federal Business Development Bank’s Regional Advisory Council, the City of Richmond Advisory Planning Commission, Director of St. George’s School and Director of the Diane Farris Gallery.
Born in Holland, Olga has lived in Richmond since 1959, where she graduated from Steveston High School. She holds a BA from the University of British Columbia, an MA from the University of Manitoba and an MBA from Memorial University of Newfoundland. She has two grown sons.

Friday, April 3, 2009

MLA Al Horning - Kelowna Lake Country

Today we are praying for MLA Al Horning.

Father, we bring Al Horning before you today.  We ask that you  would bless his life in every way and that he would enjoy good health and prosper.  As he serves the people of Kelowna-Lake Country, we ask that you would empower him to serve with excellence and distinction.  Help him to be a blessing to people as he goes about his work within his community.  Grant him Your wisdom and strength today.

In Jesus Name, Amen

Al Horning was first elected to the Legislative Assembly in 2005 to represent the riding of Kelowna-Lake Country.

Previously, Al was an alderman on Kelowna City Council from 1980-1988 and elected to Kelowna City Council as councillor again in 2002. He served as the Member of Parliament for Okanagan Centre from 1988 to 1993.

Born in Regina, Saskatchewan, Al moved to Rutland, BC at an early age where he attended Rutland Elementary and High School. Al was a realtor and President of Sun Country Realty Ltd and an orchardist before being elected as an MP.

Al’s extensive community service includes serving as Director, Central Okanagan Regional Hospital Board; Director, Kelowna General Hospital Board; Director, Okanagan Water Basin Board; Director, Central Okanagan Regional District and Director, Economic Development Commission. He was Director of Sports and Facilities for the 1980 BC Summer Games and President and Manager of the Kelowna Molsons Intermediate Hockey Club, and has coached and managed many fastball and hockey teams.

Al and his wife Donna live in Kelowna and have three children and a new grandson. In his spare time, Al enjoys playing golf.