Wednesday, April 29, 2009

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 17

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - A Prayer for God's Blessing

"Oh, that you would bless me and expand my territory! Please be with me in all that I do, and keep me from all trouble and pain!" And God granted him his request.

Heavenly Father we are so blessed to call British Columbia our homeland.

We pray today that through this election process that you would have your hand upon our Province and make it as our Motto states “Splendor without diminish”

We ask Oh God that your favour would rest on those leaders that will be used to be instruments of blessing for our Province.

We know that you are able to keep or Province from trouble and in doing so, help us also to be a Province whose leaders do not cause anyone pain.

We thank you Oh God that you hear and answer prayer and we ask today that you hear the cry of our hearts as we have come each day to call on your great name. Let us be able to stand and declare that you indeed granted our request.

In Jesus Name, Amen

Events and Opportunities

May 3 - Victoria, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Church of Our Lord

May 6 - Provincial Conference Call - Click here to register

May 9 - Nanaimo, BC, 7:00 PM - PrayBC Election Prayer Rally - Evangelistic Tabernacle

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