Monday, August 16, 2010

MLA Bruce Ralston Member for Surrey-Whalley

Thank You, Lord, for Bruce Ralston and for the position he holds as Opposition Critic for Finance. We need men and women with great wisdom to be involved in the money matters for our province. We give thanks for his expertise in any number of areas that will help him to a great job on behalf of the Province of BC. We ask, Father, that You bless Bruce and his family, that You grant him favour, and that Bruce will continue to be used to bring about dynamic change in the areas he serves, both in his party and in his community.

Bruce Ralston was re-elected as the MLA for Surrey - Whalley on May 12, 2009. He was first elected to the Legislature in 2005.

Bruce serves as opposition critic for Finance. Bruce is currently the chair of the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts. He has also been a member of the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services since 2006.

Bruce is a lawyer in Surrey, where he has operated his own law firm for 18 years.

From 1995 to 2006, Bruce was elected to four consecutive terms as a member of the VanCity Savings Credit Union board of directors. He served as the chair of the board from 2001 to 2003. In 2003 BC Business magazine recognized Bruce as one of BC’s leading five board chairs. From 2003 until 2005, Bruce acted as the chair of the board of VanCity Enterprises, a VanCity subsidiary with a mandate to provide innovative housing solutions throughout the Lower Mainland.

Bruce also served on the Surrey City Council from 1988 to 1993, where he promoted planned development for healthy neighbourhoods for Surrey families. He is a former board member of Surrey Memorial Hospital and the Surrey Public Library.

A former president of the BC NDP, Bruce was born in Victoria and grew up in Vancouver. He has degrees in history and law from the University of British Columbia and a degree in history from the University of Cambridge in England.

Bruce is married to Miriam Sobrino. They have three children, 20, 18 and 15, who grew up in Whalley and attended public schools in Surrey and New Westminster. The elder two attend Canadian universities, while the youngest is entering Grade 10. The family is active in their community through a number of community and sports organizations.

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