Monday, May 4, 2009

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 21

PrayBC Election Campaign Prayer Focus - Education

Prov 9:9 Give instructions to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.
Dear Heavenly Father;
We thank You Lord that every child in British Columbia is given the right and privilege to an Education. You know that Education brings many unique political challenges and has long been a political football in our province. We pray for the MLA who will be entrusted to oversee this crucial area within our province. Empower that person to provide excellent leadership in this crucial field. Help them to be a blessing to both teachers and students in our province. We acknowledge that Education and wisdom is so very, very dear to Your heart, that You are in fact, Wisdom. Our hearts are so very grateful for all those that Teach and work in the Adminstration side of Education. It is our desire to be in agreement with Your heart for those men and women that You have chosen to be elected in the field of Education.
In Your loving name, Amen.

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