Saturday, May 9, 2009

PrayBC Election Prayer Campaign - Day 26

PrayBC Daily Election Prayer Focus - Day 26 - Our Seniors

Honour your father and your mother that you may live long in the land your Lord God is giving you. Exodus 20:12

Lord, Your Word says that we are to honour our elders and that they should be sought for their wise council and not be left to waste away; and today we pray to you for our seniors who have a right to be heard, and a right to comfort, dignity and peace of mind. We pray for their health and nutrition requirements, for clean and safe places to live and for companionship; Lord we humbly ask that these needs be met. We pray for leaders to be voted into the Legislative Assembly of BC who have compassionate hearts for seniors, and who have respect for the wisdom learned by our seniors on the paths that they have walked. We pray that we, your people, live by your Word that we may live long in Your land.

Lord, You know the hearts and experiences of those who have put their names forward to serve this province and we pray that the right people, Your people, are elected for such a time as this.

We ask this Lord Jesus in your precious name. Amen.

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