Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Throne Speech - The 39th Parliament of British Columbia

Heavenly Father we come before You today with glad and grateful hearts.  We know that You are God and have all things in your hands.  As the new Parlaiment begins today, we ask that You would be merciful to our Province and those who serve us as leaders.  So many things have changed in the last year and finding viable solutions to overcome the many challenges that have come will be difficult.  You have given us brilliant leaders on both sides of the Legislature and yet they need wisdom beyond themselves.  We ask that You would grant them wisdom through this session to direct the affairs of our province in a way that will be pleasing to you and beneficial to British Columbians.  Grant the Premier, Executive Council and caucus courage to lead with compassion and grace.  Grant the Leader of the Opposition and the shadow Cabinet the ability to provide a strong opposition to ensure good and balanced government.
Lord, let Your peace reign over this session.  We ask for a cooperative and proactive session that will be a blessing to our province and an example to other provinces and regions.
Hear our prayer O Lord as we ask this in Jesus name.  Amen!

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