Thursday, February 11, 2010

PrayBC/More Than Gold Olympic Prayer Track - Day 1

February 12 Day 1

“You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me” (Luke 18:22).
The Olympics require a tremendous amount of personal sacrifice in order to gain one’s personal best. The cost financially, physically, emotionally, and psychologically can take a great toll on the competitors. Even when athletes don’t achieve the gold medal, they can still be proud, even ecstatic, that they have accomplished more personally than they had ever done before. The primary failure is not whether or not one stands on the podium but whether or not he did his very best.

Nothing can be permitted to enter the athlete’s world that will cause him to compromise his potential in the least—nothing.  The individual who came to Christ had lived a pious life.  He had been disciplined personally and publicly. He had achieved, so he thought, his personal best, yet there was still something missing in his life. The problem was that he had allowed his wealth to distract him from achieving his full potential. When he came to the one Person Who had the solution, Who could see his problem, the diagnosis saddened him for he was very wealthy. The answer was standing right before him, yet he would not let go of the hindrance. He settled for a second-best effort and took home with him only what he had come with—good intentions and a hindrance instead of eternal life.

Prayer: Father, reveal anything in my life that may disqualify me from service to You. I commit my life afresh and anew to Your service.

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